Chapter 2: The Beast

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Cody's pov

"Is it going to get cold?" Mack asked crossing her arms over her jacket. She watched Sebastian and I set up the two tents.

"Not that cold, but right there is where the full moon will show," he said pointing over the trees where the clouds were covering the moon. Mack's face turned white and she didn't bother looking.

"Just until twelve. In two hours you'll take me home right?" She asked but it sounded more of a statement.

"If you want to," he sighed,"why don't you and careful Cody go find some sticks for the fire?"

I looked at Mack,"why not?" Shrugging I started walking through the forest. She sighed and followed me.

She found most of the branches and leaves while I just held them for her.

"Did you have to sneak out?" I asked her trying to get rid of the awkward silence.

"Something like that," she answered shaking her head and putting her hands in her pockets.


"No, I'm just trying to find ways to get Seb back," she smiled for the first time tonight.

"Why'd you come if you don't want to be here?" I asked as she piled more leaves in my arms. Her face turned pink.

"Because it's a Friday night and I want to hang out with friends," she said shaking her head.

"Or is it because you don't want to tell him to his face you like him," I said which made her blush and look away. She went to say something but Sebastian's yelling cut her off.

"I see the moon guys!" He yelled. Mack turned from me.

"I need to use the bathroom," she said walking away before I could say something. Her voice was starting to change but I couldn't put my finger on it.

"Okay," I murmured following Sebastian's screams at the moon. Lucky we were in the middle of the forest and no one could hear the idiot.

"Where'd Mack go. She's missing the moon," Sebastian said taking the sticks from me and starting a fire. He took a bag of marshmallows out his pocket and threw them to me.

"She went to the bathroom," I said looking up at the gigantic moon.

"There's not a bathroom for about a mile," he shook his head from his own weird thoughts.

"The worlds your bathroom," I quoted from some book. Sebastian laughed shaking his head.

"I gotta story for you. Mack's just going to have to wait for the next one," he said sitting on the ground smirking at me. I rolled my eyes sitting in front of the fire and starting to toast the marshmallows.

"Every full moon there's a creature called the Beast. The beast roams the forest looking for anything he can eat. He takes anyone he see's. Right here in this very woods three girls went missing," he started. The truthful look on his face had me shivering,"one man that lived through the Beasts roaming woke up from a two week coma. At first he couldn't remember. He started to have night terrors. He woke up screaming about eyes. Shinning eyes in the dark. The doctors put him on medication to try to get rid of the dreams. They never went away.

"The girls were his sister, his mom, and his girlfriend. They were at the camp site waiting for his father to come for the vacation. He went back into the forest. His father found him dead. He was mauled by an animal. He died against that tree," he pointed to the tree behind me. I turned looking at it. I could see a boy running, then he was leaning against the tree slowly bleeding out. He screamed for help but whatever was attacking him didn't stop. I shook my head from the thoughts. Maybe the cold or marshmallows were getting to me. Maybe my parents warning were busy ringing through my head that it made me dizzy and I couldn't think straight.

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