Chapter 3: Beauty and the Beast

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Sebastian's pov

I woke up moaning. My head was started to pound. I heard voices and movement behind me.

The last thing I remember was Cody and I sitting on the ground when I was telling him a story about the full moon. He didn't believe me. He started yelling at me and that's when I turned around seeing the beast. It took out Cody first then came for me. I broke a pole from the tent and managed to fight it off before it bit my foot and I fell over hitting my head on something hard.

When I came back people were talking. I saw Cody's blonde hair beside my face but I couldn't move. I ended up blacking out again.

"Seb," I heard her whisper in my ear.

I jumped out the bed I was laying in and looked around. I grabbed a lamp from the side table and held it like a bat ready to swing.

"Sebastian calm down," Mack put her hands up. One of her hands were bandaged up.

"You're the beast. You attacked Cody and I," I said which made her look down at her hand.

"I'm sorry Sebastian but I couldn't help it. It was a full moon and you insisted on coming out," she tried to explain herself while tears rolled down her face,"I'm not the only wolf anymore."

"You turned me into a beast," I said with my mouth dropping open. I searched my neck. Sure enough I felt a bite mark.

"I need to go home," I exclaimed making her growl at me. I jumped back and she apologized again.

"You can't leave, the hunter would kill you, plus Cody is the alpha, and you're my mate,"she sighed running her hands through her hair.

"What is that?" I asked letting my hands relax around the lamp.

"Put the lamp down and I'll tell you," she said standing up. Without thinking I swung hitting her in the side of the head. She fell back with and ow and stood back up with the side of her face bleeding. No normal human would be able to get up that fast.

"Sebastian calm down let me talk," she said slowly walking over to me. I held the lamp tighter but took one hand to wipe my face. I came back with blood on my forehead.

"Mackenzie, don't," I said. She looked momentarily hurt that I didn't use her nickname. She walked over to me and put her small hands over the lamp. Slowly I let it go crashing it to the ground.

"A mate is someone you're destined to be with forever," she started quietly while looking down at our hands,"you will feel my pain and I'll feel yours."

"Mack..." I said not understanding.

"Do you know why I went out on the full moon even though I knew I couldn't?" She asked me. I shook my head no,"do you remember your dare?"

"If you didn't come you would have to tell your crush to their face you like them," I whispered more to myself. She nodded.

"I like you Sebastian," she said holding onto my hand. I pulled them back and backed away from her until I hit a wall.

"No, no...get out Mack," I said. She bit her lip nodding and walking out the door. I sighed. How did I get into this. That story was suppose to be a joke to make Cody scared and stay awake all night. I didn't think it was real and I didn't think Mack was one.

Mackenzie's pov

"Get out Mack...get out Mack," his voice echoed over and over in my head. I shouldn't have left the house. I thought I had enough control over the full moon but I didn't especially when I was so close to my mate. Most people my age have control over their wolf on the full moon except for me.

Careful Rougeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن