Chapter 1 - Who's that?

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Marissa's POV:

There I was riding my skateboard down Embark st. I just ran away from home after getting beatin and giving a black eye when all of a sudden a black stretch limo pulled up to the curb. Out came a tall, blonde female with a beautiful silver sparkly dress. Wait a minute, was this who thought it was. It couldn't be. This is a small town, what would she be doing here. The tall female walked up to me.


"Are you... Taylor Swift?"

"Yes, so where are you going?"

"Anywhere but home. I ran away."

"Oh, come with me."

Marissa follows Taylor Swift in the limo.

"Where are we going?"

"L.A., I'm going to adopt you."


They take the limo all the way to her private jet.

"Woah, this is so cool", Marissa says as she walks onto to the jet.

They enjoy their flight all the way to L.A.

Taylor calls the limo driver to come pick them up. Mean while, Marissa stands next to Taylor Swift with her arms crossed.

Ten minutes later the limo pulls up and they get in. The moment they arrive at Taylor's house, Marissa was stunned at how amazing the house looked. There were palm trees around the house, a pool in the back yard blocked off by a beautiful white fence surrounding the back yard.

They walk inside and Taylor shows her to her room.

Taylor's POV:

I'm glad I adopted her. She's really a great kid, she's just been through so much. With het cutting and getting in jail. I can actually make a difference in this girl's life.

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