Sequence II, Chapter 3: Ruby - Awakening

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You chuckled at her childish behaviour.

'My, you're a lucky man.'

"S-Shut up Tecia."

"Who are you talking to?" Ruby asked, her look questioning my sanity.

"No one in particular."

You sighed. It was going to be a weird day. It was then Ruby started to stuff herself with the cookies.

'Her ability to eat amuses me.'


'Will you girls shut up, you're kinda ruining my ability to.. Well think.'

'No.' They both said simultaneously. You sighed as you took a cookie from the table and munched on it.

Suddenly, you heard knocking on the door. You looked over and suddenly felt defensive. It was Ozpin.

'Relax, he's the real deal. It's easy for us to spot the difference.'

'Yeah, well I'm not two consciousness living inside of my head.'

You heard giggling inside your head.

"Professor Ozpin? What is it?" Ruby asked, face stuffed with cookies before swallowing it.

"I apologise for our school being attacked. And it wasn't me that you all talked to. It was an illusion. Cast by Neo. I'm certain."

"Uh.. It's fine I guess."

"I would like to repay you for saving us. Join Beacon, free of charge and learn everything."

Ruby's face lit up and she hugged you.


'How is she so.... '

'Childlike? Quite'

'Shut it both of you. She's... Cute in her own way.'

'Your definition of cute and mine are way off.'

You then took your armour and stood up from your bed for the first time. You wobbled up a little but Ruby supported you and you used her as a crutch.

Ozpin looked at both of you and smiled.

"You both make a really good couple."

Both you and Ruby blushed a deep shade of red.


You kissed her cheek and she manages to blush a deeper shade of red.

"Thanks, Ozpin."

She then smiled a sweet smile.


'Bold move, Y/N.'

'True. However, didn't expect her reaction, didn't you.'


The three of you made your way to the changing room and you changed to your armour while they waited outside.

Soon after, you opened the door and saw them waiting at the end of the hallway. You walked towards them and made your way towards Beacon.


You both reached Beacon sooner then expected as Ozpin had a vehicle waiting. Noticing the school was built back quite rapidly, but you knew they had to use their auras or semblances or whatever they're called.

You also noticed that everyone had their eyes on you as your armour was way different from the others. This made you uncomfortable and you pulled down your hood.

Ruby also pulled down her hood and smiled at you with her oh so sweet smile you liked. She then went over to hug your left arm which in turn made literally everyone stop what they were doing and stared at you and Ruby.

'Oh my, she's bold as well.'

'Just like her boyfriend, sheesh.'

''Oh come on.' You heard giggles.

'I've been meaning to ask both of you. Why pick me? And why show yourself now?'

"Honestly, we picked you as you were the only one who had the fighting spirit, back in Masyaf. We joined with you when you were still young, and seeing as your parents got killed by Templars. Your rage hasn't left you since then.'

'Also, I we show ourselves now as we were.. Well bored. We stayed quiet for so long.'

'Oh' was all you had as you recalled your parent's death. You still remembered the face of that fucker that did the deed, and you were going to hunt that bastard.

'That rage, hold on to it. It can be a powerful tool IF used correctly. And with our help, you can quite literally become god.'

'As much as that offer tempts me, Xibetha. I would rather not.'

'Wow, this is the first time we've heard anyone refuse to be god. I must say, I'm quite impressed'


You three finally reached the dorm you were going to stay in. You opened the door to see a long case in the middle of the room.

"Go ahead, open it."

You walked towards the case and kneeled, examining the box before opening it. It was a weapon of some sort. It was sheathed. You grabbed it and it became a nightmarish coloured scythe. Reminiscent of the grim reaper.


It then shifted into a sniper at your will. You then sheathed it and hung it at your back.

"Seeing how skilled you were with Ruby's scythe. I figured that was your best choice of weapon." Ozpin stated.

"I see, thank you so much, Ozpin."

"Its the least I could do for the safety of my students."

Then, a bell rung.

"Oh! It's end of school. I'm going to meet my teammates. See you later, Y/N." Ruby said as she sped off.

"How did she skip school?"

"I.. I don't know, actually. Well. I best be going as well. You start tomorrow."

"Yessir." With that, he walked off.

RWBY x Assassin!Male!Reader CrossoverKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat