Killed The Stage ..... Literally

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                                                           Atlana , GA Phillips Arena in 2012

                                                                     Bahja Rodguiez

                    I stood cheerfully on the stage everyday hearing the fans chant my name towards me. This is what I lived for to please people. Ever since the girls & I split up to persue our separate dreams this is what my life consist of majority of the time. It was great till i went crazy as people say.


                     I stood in the middle of the stage with the lights beaming upon me . I smiled and waved down to a couple of fans making them go crazy.

Then the beat dropped my song " Baddie " I guess something triggered off my stage ego that i try not to show off too much , but at that moment i just lost it completely.

                                                  Beauty had taken over me

I giggled into the mic giving the crowd a devlish look

" Hit the scene and we turn up yeah them boys choosin' cause they love us "I spit out the first verse growling under my breathe into the mic

The crowd must have noticed by then because some of them looked at bit taken back and confused by my behavior but others just thought it was my act in the show. Doing every single bit of choreography correct and saying all the lyrics on point I may have seemed normal but I was sure as hell far from it.

Half way through the song i snatched up a fan in the front row by her hair dragging her up on the stage. Shoving the micorphone down her throat all you could hear blasting through the speakers was gagging...till it finnaly stopped. 

Looking back into the arena everyone looked scared & stunned...but that was only the beggining of what I was going to do. I just smiled at them showing my pearly whites. I'm pretty sure half of them had already sharted their pants by my actions.

Inching my way towards the middle of the stage I slowly regained my actual self back. I sat down and started singing exactly where I had stopped at like nothing happened. To me nothing happened  everything happened.

I swang my feet , twirling my bloodly fingers through my hot pink hair singing looking at all the fans exit the concert in fright as the security charged in. This didn't daze me what so ever I just switched my song to....."Glory of Love " by Bette Midler

                                                                                                          " As Long as there's the two of us we've got the world and all it's charms and when the world is through with us we've got eachother's arms "                                          because i knew exactly what was gonna happen to me..I was crazy so I sang these two lines till I passed out ....last thing i seen was the guards carrying me away from my last concert ever  

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