Chapter 12

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Henrietta's POV

Its Potions today. Im paired with Blaise. Zachary is paired with Anya. Azlan is paired with Lucy. Hermoine is paired with Ron and my brother is paired with Ginny. Draco is paired with Pansy Parkinson. The annoying pug face. Literally. We were being taught by Mcgonaball. I was still a Seeker like Harry. We got the potion right. We were allowed to leave early.

"Blaise?" I ask while I sat down with him.

"I know you like Draco." he said as I looked at him surprised.

"Then why.." He held up his hand.

"Either this or he keeps hurting you." he said and I gave a nod. So, he's making him jealous..


Later, at lunch in the Great Hall. Lucius Malfoy was here again. I sighed quietly with the others as I ate quietly. Zachary, Anya, Azlan and Lucy. Blaise was sitting at his dorm's table. I was eating when Lucius spoke,

"May I ask Miss Potter to come up here?" I froze while drinking some of my drink. My eyes widen.

"You'll do fine, Henrietta" Lucy assured me as I gave a nod. I slowly stood up as Zachary and Azlan helped me hop over the seat. Harry patted my hand. I smiled at them nervously. I went up to Lucius keeping my face stoic as possible.

"Hello, miss Potter." I gave a curtsy.

"Mr. Malfoy" I said cooly. His eyes scan over me.

"I was wondering if you, Gryffindor Princess have any spells related to elements?" My eyes narrowed at this. Where in bloody hell is this going?

"Yes, Mr. Malfoy. Just a few" I say cooly. When he was gonna speak, my owl, Luna flew in. I looked up and tilted my head as she dropped the parcel to Harry. I gave a bow at Lucius and ran over to look at it.

"What is it?" asks Hermoine.

"Its..." I tilted my head as I lifted up a boquet of roses. Blue roses. My favorite actually.

"Who sent it, Rien?" asks Lucy curiusly but happy.

"Dont know. No sender" I said as I looked at the blue roses. Its a Muggle type of rose. I looked down at it.

"Looks like someone fancies you, Rie." Anya says smiling. "Maybe from a certain someone"

My eyes widen blushing lightly and gently hit their heads lightly.

"Tease me again and I'll set you all into flames" I huffed as I looked down at Luna. Luna handed a heart-shape box. I took it and saw a note fell attached to the back. I looked at the note. Blushing. I felt Harry and the gang look over my shoulder.

"Hmm? From who is it?" asks Harry.

"Umm no sender." I said as I looked at the chocolates.

"It would seem someone fancies you, Miss Potter." Dumbledore spoke causing me to blush.

"Dont blush too much, Rien. Your a tomato" I totally hit Zachary on the arm.

"Oi, shut up!" I said blushing but I looked at the gifts. "I wonder who could've sent it.." I muttered as Harry helped me hop over and sat down again but I didnt eat the chocolate.

"Thank you, Luna" I petted her head as she flew to my shoulder cuddling her head into my neck. Smiling a bit, I petted her head.

"She's so cuddly, Rie." Lucy says smiling. I smiled back forgetting about my conversation with Lucius.

You see, Azlan and Lucy calls me Rie like Hermoine and Ron.

Zachary and Anya calls me Rien as a nicknames. No one has yet to call me Jaz. Its for someone special to call me that.


It was another Quidditch game. I was a sub Seeker as Harry went up but Harry was knocked out.


"Henny! Go!" I gave a nod and soared to the sky looking for the Golden Snitch. I dodged Draco as he zoomed passed me. I almost balance but I zoomed the other direction seeing the Snitch.

"Go Rien!"

"Go Rie!!"

I raced with Draco getting the Snitch. It was raining. A bludger hit my arm causing a soft crack. I whimpered and chased the Snitch. When I got it, I rolled off my broom with the Snitch in my hand.

"Henrietta Potter got the Snitch! Gryffindor wins!" the announcer said.

I stayed laying down holding my arm.




I looked up a bit as I sat up and saw Harry, Hermoine, Ron, Anya, Zachary, Azlan and Lucy running towards me.

"Merlin's beard.." Harry breathed out as he held my arm slightly. I whimpered.

"Damn it. I think that bludger went hard against your arm" Harry says as he stood up and helped me up carefully. As we passed by the Slytherins, I saw Draco staring after us.


We head to the Hospital Wing as they checked my arm it was cracked to the bone. They asked me to stay the night here.

"See you tomorrow, Henny" Harry said as he kissed my forehead. I gave a nod and waved at them as they headed to their classes. I laid down on the bed rubbing my arm slightly.

Not a few minutes later, Draco walked in. He was alone. My eyes looked at him.

"You feeling okay?" he asks sounding concern. It shocked me. I shyly looked down and glanced at my arm.

"Could have been worse. Im fine. Thanks.." I said as I looked at him. He sat down on a chair near my bed.

"Why are you here?"

"Came to see you, obviously, Henrietta. Are you that dense?" he asks as I blushed a little. "What?"

"You said my name.."

"Oh.." he shrugged casually. "Were not killing each other so why not say it?"

"C-Call me Jazmine."

"Second name?" I gave a nod. He nodded back and held my hand.

"Get well soon, Jazmine." he leant down and kissed my forehead. I blushed brightly red and he chuckled then left. My heart was racing while my cheeks were flushed a bit. Did he just.. Oh merlin's sake.. I gave my second name! I hit my head against the pillow, groaning.

"My bloody hell with luck" I muttered while I laid down more comfortably, I almost fell asleep when I saw Hedwig, Harry's owl. Then my owl, Luna. Ron's rat, Scabbers. Hermoine's brown cat, Pooshka (forgot the name sorry). Azlan's multi color humming bird, Jean. Lucy's white cat with yellow eyes, Snow. Zachary's bear cup one (that doesnt grow to be a large bear oddly), I-Chaya. And lastly, Anya's purple bat, Wing. I smiled as I waved at them as they nodded their heads or flapped their wings. I see they sent them here to watch over me.. I smiled at the sweet gesture then got comfortable and fell asleep that night feeling safe.


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