36. I missed you!!

Start from the beginning


It seemed perfect... Standing there in his arms... But still I couldn't control the electricity that ran through me as we gazed into each others eyes.

It pained to realize how much I had missed him and his eyes told me that our feelings were mutual.

When I was completely sure that he was indeed standing with me, not a hallucination, I hugged him tight, holding onto him and his big strong arms covered me, pulling me close to him, not even an iota of space between us.

He slowly rested his head on the crook of my neck, and I did the same. As we held by, he gave a small sigh, his breath fanning my neck, sending ripples throughout my body. I shuddered against his skin, and he slowly rubbed his nose on my neck, pulling me more closer even though there was no space between us.

My body was pressed against his, my body slightly arched that he didn't have to bend his head too much to reach my neck. Our chests rubbing each other... Every contact registered on my mind.

"Ahem.." There was suddenly a noise of someone clearing their throat, and I suddenly took my hand back, detaching ourselves from the intimate position.

His mom was standing at the door, her hands crossed over her chest and a playfully smile on her lips...

My cheeks suddenly felt hot, all the colour coming to lit it... And I slowly adjusted my hair and my dress. I looked at him from the periphery of my eyes to see him grinning, his hands on his hair ruffling it.. And I suddenly had the urge to run my hands over his smooth hair...

His mom stepped forward at us... The awkwardness too thick in the air.

"Mom.. Why didn't you sleep, its almost 2 at night.." He said, starting to lighten the atmosphere..

"I was sleeping, but heard a scream and just came to look by." She said matter of fact-ly, and my cheeks grew more hot. It was me who screamed, I remember that..

"That I was just planning to surprise her but scared her instead." He said, looking at me, his hands working more on his hair.

I couldn't blush more, I was at the peak.. And I knew I would be looking like a tomato..

She came forward, and touched my cheeks and I hesitantly looked to her eyes, and I saw happiness in her eyes, pure happiness.

She went to his side, and hugged him, the mother caressed her sons hair,..

"Stay happy like this both of you.." She said.. And pulled me into a hug with them.

"Thank you mom.. And I missed you.." He said to his mom, but his last words were said looking at me, and I felt as if he was speaking to me too. I smiled at him, against Aunty's shoulders.

Soon she pulled apart, and began to leave the room. But not before turning around to speak..
"Don't heat the kitchen..."

Ow!! The egg and bread, I turned around to see a dark brown egg and a dry bread, with vapour coming out of both. It had burnt...

I quickly switched off the gas, and gave a sigh of frustration, but I heard laughter from behind me.

He was laughing, his musical laugh, and I couldn't help but laugh at myself too. We laughed for a while, and I noticed how his Adam's apple moved, making him look so manly and I was practically drooling over him, when he slowly pulled me inside his arms.

We had stopped laughing and my chest was heaving a lot, from the laugh and from the feel of his hands on my waist.

I slowly turned around, pretending to concentrate on the cooking, to stop myself from hyperventilating. I had missed his touch, buy I didn't want to express too much, we were not yet married.

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