Chapter 10:M.I.A. ...The Time is Now

Start from the beginning

A door opened, "Mom, Dad. Look I'm sorry about earlier...but listen I need your.." I heard the voice grow louder, then it cut off. Two figures rounded the corner, and froze. They looked down at the floor. I followed their gazes, and gasped. I looked up at the two guys as tears started to spill. I shook my head, "I swear I didn't do it" I said as tears blurred my vision. They glanced down at my hands. I looked down at the blood covered dagger. I dropped it and my eyes shot up to them, "Listen you have to believe me...I didn't kill them" I said as I slowly started to stand up. I took a step towards them, "Stay the fuck back" one yelled. I stepped closer, "Listen Saige...I promise you...if you take another step...I will personally kill you. Now do us all a favor and stay the fuck away from us...and stay the hell out of my life" the other ordered in a low menacing voice.

I shook my head as a tear slipped down my face, "You know I can't do that" I whispered. "You don't have a choice" he said walking toward me. He grabbed me by my arm. I thrashed as he pulled me towards the door, "Stop please, I didn't kill them. You have to believe me" I cried. "There is no trust between us" he said as he pushed me out the door. I pivoted and ran towards it. The door slammed in my face. I pounded on the door, "Please, I didn't do it" I cried. "Please, believe me" I yelled pounding on the door. "You have to believe me" I whispered giving the door one last pathetic hit, before sliding down to the ground.

Oh my gosh...what am I going? Great...right when Kade kisses me...I have a memory and now I don't know what the hell I did. Wait...I had a memory...but how? I slowly pulled back as Kade tensed up. I looked at him, he had no emotion what so ever on his face. He looked back at Tristian. Ryder's face hardened and Tristian gawked at me. Kade walked towards Tristian and everything from then on seemed to go in slow motion. I saw Kade lift up his hand. His fist connected with Tristian's jaw and he flew back. I ran towards them as Kade ran over to Tristian and started to hit him in the face. "Kade...stop it" I said grabbing onto his arm and trying to pull him back. He yanked his arm away from me.

"Ryder...can I get some help please" I yelled looking back at him. He glared at me. I narrowed my eyes at him, and looked back towards Kade. I quickly step in front of Tristian, "Stop" I ordered. He scowled at me. "No he deserves to get him ass kicked." he said with so much venom that even I flinched. "And why is that?" I asked. He looked behind me, "He knows what he did" Kade said through clenched teeth. I looked towards Tristian, and he smirked. "You really have to learn how to control that" he whispered. I stared at him in confusion. Then looked back towards Kade, "So how was it" I said smiling. "Like I said earlier...I really didn't want another taste" he said in disgust as he wiped his mouth. I glared at him. A smirked played on his lips. Ugh what an asshole! He turned towards Ryder, "We should leave" Ryder said through clenched teeth. "Oh I see someone's on there period" Tristian teased. I heard snickers...and for the first time I realized we weren't the only ones in the room.

"I think you wanna die today" Ryder said narrowing his eyes at his brother. "Didn't that.." "Tristian...not two can fight any other day, but with these extra guest" Kade glanced towards me, "I would suggest that you two don't say anything" he said in a stern voice. "Let's go" he ordered to me. He started to walk towards the door. I didn't argue with him, but too tell you the truth I was ready to go.

We walked towards the car. Ryder walked towards the door, and swung it open, almost hitting me with it. He slid into the car. I eyed him skeptically, as I walked around the door, and stood next to him. "What's wrong with you" I asked, harshly. He looked up at me and scoffed, "Just get in the car" he said looking forwards again. I narrowed my eyes at him, and sat down in his lap and closed the door. He slightly pushed me forward, "I'm claustrophobic" he said pushing me off his lap, and onto the floor. I rolled my eyes as I sat in the cramped up space. I heard the car start, and I flew forward...yeah this is definitely going to be the worst ride ever.

*Present time*

I stared up at the ceiling. I heard my door creak open, and shut. I didn't even bother to look at the person. "Stop moping" Rox said. I felt the bed dip. I sat up. "I'm not moping" I said. She cocked an eyebrow up, "Really" she asked smugly, "so you have been in your room for the past two days" she asked. I shook my head, "You've seen me at the meals" "Yeahh..moping around" she said cutting me off. "Anyways...I just came to tell you that you're needed" she said pulling me up from the bed. I groaned as she basically dragged me to the door. "I don't wanna go" I whined. She giggled and we stopped in front of a door. She opened it and I stared at them wide eyed.

"What is this...some type of secret meeting" I questioned. I was pulled into the room and towards the bed. I heard the door close and lock. I looked around at everyone. Liam, Aaron, Kade, and Ryder stood in front of the bed. "We decided that's it's time we tell you everything that's going on..well more like show you" Liam explained. "Show me?" I asked in confusion. He nodded, "I guess you can say it's like Inception...except everything that you're about to go through wont be a'll be your past. Everything will feel extremely real, and you won't even remember your future." " you guys are sending me...back in time..through my dreams" I asked staring at them like they were crazy. "You won't be able to change anything...the memories will run their course and you will basically 'relive them'. You'll be in the dream for a week...but it'll feel like months have passed by." Liam explained to this was all so normal to him. I shook my head "No" I said looking at them wide eyed. "Natalia" Aaron said walking towards me, he grabbed my face, "Look...everything will be okay. We'll...we mostly Liam and I...will be by your side them whole time." he whispered looking me in the eyes. I nodded, and sighed, "Okay..." I whispered. Liam walked to my side and grabbed my hand, "See you later Saige" he said smiling sadly. My eyes fluttered and I started to slowly drift off into a deep sleep.

Missing in Action... Kidnapped *Completed but Editing*Where stories live. Discover now