Chapter 2: M.I.A. ...The Screams

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Chapter 2

I stood there frozen in fear. Now let's see...I can be a statistic and go check it out...or I could be smart and swiftly head back to my room. Yeah...I know what you're thinking... statistic it is. I hesitated before slowly walking down the hallway. Each step made my heart race even more...I'm sure the suspense was literally about to kill me. I was now at the end of the left wing hallway...I turned and walked down the main hall. I felt like running, but with the hallways being pitch black, who knew what I could run into. I came up to a door...Kate's room. I reached towards the knob. A hand jerked me back, and I was pushed against a wall.

"What the hell do you think you're doing" he whisper/shouted.

I immediately recognized his voice...Kade. "I was just.."

He cut me off, "Stay in your room" he snapped.

I scoffed, "So you expect me to be imprisoned in my room? ...No" I said, narrowing my eyes at him. I was pulled off the wall, and immediately slammed back into it. I winced in pain.

"My rules" he snapped.

I glared at him...but I'm sure he couldn't even see me... "Didn't someone ever tell you not to manhandle a girl" I said through clenched teeth.

"Like I would ever listen to get back to your room..." he ordered.

"Or what?" I challenged. I was instantly thrown over a pair of broad shoulders, I thrashed against him, "Let me go" I yelled.

He continued to walk down the hall. He rounded the corner and entered the left wing hall. My screams echoed down the long hallway. He  stopped in front of my door, and walked in, kicking the door closed behind him. He roughly threw me on the queen sized bed. "Listen here Kiley"...what the hell? Where'd he get that name from? 'It's Natalia.." I corrected, cutting him off.

"Okay Kiley...anyways..while you're living in my live by my rules. If I tell you to stay in your fucking do it. Understand?" he asked in a stern tone.

I glared at him, " I don't understand Chris..." I rolled my eyes. He glared at me, and in a matter of seconds, I was being pinned down to my bed. My heart raced, but I kept myself composed.

"Don't try me...I'm not the one.." he said in a low husky voice.

"Wow...I'm scared.." I started sarcastically, "Does it look like I actually give a fuck about making you mad?" I retorted.

"You should.." he said in that same low voice. The expression on his face made me shudder. He sat up, and got off me, walking out my door, slamming it behind him. I got up and ran towards the door. I twisted the knob...locked... are you kidding me!! I huffed angrily, and turned around. At least I'm locked in a gorgeous room. I ran and flopped down on the bed sighing...I still have to go to the bathroom.

I walked toward the door again, banging on it. I huffed, "Let me out" I yelled. The door swung open, and I fell forward, right into Kade. He caught me. I looked up at him surprised. I was suddenly dropped. "Umph" echoed through the hall, as I hit the ground with a loud thud. I yelped, then looked up at Kade, "You as..."

He cut me off, "Let's not say something we'll regret" he said in a low menacing voice. I slowly got up and glared at him.

"Where's the bathroom" I demanded.

"Are you stupid or something? It's in your room" he said harshly. I looked back into my room...across my bedroom was a door. "I could've sworn that wasn't there a few seconds ago" I muttered more to myself, than to him.

Missing in Action... Kidnapped *Completed but Editing*Where stories live. Discover now