Chapter 11:M.I.A. ...A Trip to the Past

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Chapter 11

*In the memories*

She threw her arms around me, as I slid to the ground. "Kiley...I could've saved her" I sobbed. She pulled me closer, and rocked me back and forth, "Saige...we have to leave" she whispered. I looked up at her, my vision still blurred from the tears, "Kiley, why are you so calm" I asked. "Because one of us has to be" she said looking down at me with sad eyes. She slowly stood up, and grabbed my arms, pulling me up.

We continued walking down the sidewalk. "Do you remember where the house is?" she asked, as we rounded a corner. I shook my head. She sighed, "Great...neither do I...all I know is it's around here somewhere" she said looking around. She squinted as she looked down the dark path. The dim street lights barely lite up the sidewalk. My heart raced, as I saw a car slow down and match our pace. The window rolled down, "Hey" a boy about 17 or 18 said smirking at us. I rolled my eyes and looked forward, latching onto Kiley's arm and pulling her forward, "Come on let's go" I muttered. The car sped up, "Someone's playing hard to get... anyways listen, me and my friends are going to a party...and wanted to know if you two would like to come" he said smiling. "Not interested" I replied angrily. "Why don't you let your twin answer for herself" he snapped. I stopped in my tracks, and scowled at him. "Thanks..but no thanks" Kiley said smiling. She started to pull me forward. I heard the car door open, and I looked back, just in time to see the guy get out of the car. I picked up the pace.

I looked back to see that he had mocked my actions, picking up the pace too. I began to run, pulling Kiley with me. "What's going on" she asked. I looked back, and started to run faster as I saw him catching up to us, "He's following us" I said as we rounded the corner into an alley. We ran down the dark alley.

A gate blocked our path. Kiley quickly climbed up to the top, and hopped over the gate, landing on the other side, gracefully. She turned around, and her eyes widened. "Saige, watch out" she screamed. I felt someone grab me around my waist. I thrashed against the person, as Kiley climbed over the gate hopping back on my side. I froze when I felt something being placed to my head. "Take one more step, and I'll kill her" he spat. He cocked the gun. "Kiley...just run...get as far away from me as possible" I whispered. "Saige, I'm not just going to leave you" she yelled as her eyes started to water. "If I were you...I would take your sister's advice" he said in a low voice. She glared at him, and looked at me with a sad expression. "I promise...I'll come find you" she whispered as a tear streamed down her face. She turned around, and walked towards the gate, climbing it, hopping over once again. She turned around and looked at me. "I love you" she said as tears ran down her face.

Shock ran through my body as I saw the tears stream down her normally calm face. My heart felt as it was torn in half, as I looked at her terrified expression. She rarely cried. We were just always so..tough, but the fear in her eyes broke me down. All I wanted to do was comfort her...I had to comfort her... I spun around and kneed him where the sun don't shine, he doubled over in pain, and I took off running towards the gate.

I heard a gun go off, and froze. A pain shot through my arm, I glanced down. The bullet had skimmed it. I sighed and quickly climbed the gate, landing on the other side. I looked towards Kiley, " have to get out of here" she whispered. "I know Kiley...let's go" I said pulling on her arm. She shook her head, and removed her hand from her stomach. Blood seeped through her shirt. A tear streamed down my face. I looked up trying to meet her eyes, but my hair was yanked back. "Stupid bitch" he spat, "you just killed an innocent person" I froze. I heard him cock the gun, and screamed as I realized what he was about to do. "No" I screamed, but I was too late. He pulled the trigger.

She slowly collapsed to the ground. "Kiley" I screamed as I thrashed trying to get away. She looked at me sadly, "You have to leave" she whispered. "Kiley!! No I'm not leaving you!! I'm not going to lose more people that I love! I can still save you" I cried. "Saige...I'll be okay" she said smiling weakly at me. I felt myself being dragged down the alley. "Kiley" I yelled. "I'll be okay" she whispered. I saw one tears slide down her face, as she slowly fell to the side. "Kiley!! No!! " I screamed thrashing. She slowly started to get further and further away, and I was pulled out of the alley. A car was parked there, waiting for us. He swung the door open and threw me in, rapidly closing the door. I tried to open the door closest to me. The passenger side door open, and my kidnapper hopped in. The car sped up, throwing me back against the seat. I pulled on the door again. "Child safety lock" he said smirking at me.

Missing in Action... Kidnapped *Completed but Editing*Where stories live. Discover now