Chapter 2: You Got Some Explaining To Do

Comenzar desde el principio

"So, how's school, Gar-Gar? Any problems for you, Mr. Scary-Leader-of-1D?" Temari suddenly asked jokingly.

"First, don't call me any of those two. Second, school's fine; nothing unusual." Besides the fact that I'm starting to question my sexuality. Gaara added in his mind, glancing outside.

"That's good. I heard you got a new transfer student?"

Gaara simply nodded at the question.

Temari's face wrinkled in confusion, "Well, that's weird." She mumbled, spiking Gaara's interest.

"What do you mean 'weird'?" Gaara questioned, his face as emotionless as always as he looked away from the window to stare at his sister.

Temari shrugged, "Well, your principle, Sarutobi-sama, isn't really one to accept transferees, is he? Especially when it's already halfway through the semester." Gaara raised an eyebrow at his sister questioning.

Temari sighed before explaining, "A similar thing happened with Kankuro once, remember? Sarutobi-sama would've denied Kankuro's transfer, hadn't it been for Okaa-san, who was friends with his wife," Temari replied the unsaid question, taking note that they were almost at Gaara's school.

"Well, Haruno do seem to get along very well with Sarutobi-sama …" Gaara muttered, remembering once he saw pinky and Sarutobi-sama laughing at the hallway.

"Haruno?" Temari asked, moving her eyes from the road, "Did you just say Haruno?"

Gaara nodded absentmindedly.

She wrinkled her brow, "Where have I heard that name before?" She mused, pulling the car to a stop.

"Yosh, we're here. Should I come pick you up?"

"No, not today. I'm going somewhere after school, so I'll just walk home," Gaara injected, stepping out from the car.

"Alright. Don't stay out too long, you hear? Kaa-san is going to make me deaf with her lecture, if you do." Gaara smirked, nodding and closing the door.

"I'm not kidding Gaara!" His sister threatened him, "I swear if you do, I'm going to show you exactly why Kankuro is scared of that rubber ducky!" Temari raised her fist.

Gaara just shook his head, and walked inside school, ignoring the yelling coming from his sister. It was still very early, the school felt calm and seemed nearly deserted, just the way Gaara wanted it to be. He took his time at walking to his classroom, relishing the peace and silence. When he reached it, he wasn't surprised to see the classroom empty and simply walked towards his chair, laying his head down on his arms once sitting. He was up almost all night trying to figure out Haruno, occasionally questioning his own masculinity, so he was dead tired. But before Gaara could make it to dreamland, he heard a voice outside of his classroom.

"I heard that the first years got a new student a week ago."

"Yes, I met him two days ago…and to be truthful, I don't like that guy, something's off with him."

Gaara heard a velvet-like voice answer, and he knew immediately that it was none other than Uchiha Itachi talking. Meaning it could only be the members of the Akatsuki, who stood outside of his classroom.

"I agree with Itachi," one said, "Rumor has it that he was chucked from two schools because of fighting but he seemed harmless and…innocent, way too innocent, actually."Akasuna Sasori, Gaara confirmed, recognizing the voice.

"Oh, come on! Did you see how tiny that guy was with his pink hair and huge emerald eyes? That guy is no threat, and he doesn't look like he wants any trouble, let alone make it!" The gruff voice, one that Gaara could easily identify as Kisame, yelled.

Shh, It's a Secret {Sakura Haruno FanFic}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora