Start from the beginning

Jina and Jungkook were just children, she was 14 meanwhile her brother was barely 10.


"Ow!" Jina exclaimed as she fell on her arse, "Jungkook what the heck!"

"Hahahaa!" The younger laughed, "Noona you ok?"

Jina rose to her feet, "That's not funny, you're not supposed to actually hit me when we spar!" She told him.

"You're not?" He retaliated, "Where's the fun in that?"

"This isn't a real fight!" She explained, "It's just practice. Jeez."

He crossed his arms, "I see no point."

"Of course you don't, you're only 10."

"Hey don't underestimate me!" He retorted.

Jina giggled.

He frowned, "What's so funny? I want to laugh too!"

His older sister removed her gloves.

"Jungkook," she said, "Come here," she asked and pulled him to sit on her lap, "Let me ask you something."

"Ok!" He agreed, "Tell me." His full attention was on her.

She smiled as she adjusted herself, "Ok," she began and played with her brother's luscious long mushroom hair.

"You want to become a professional fighter right?"

"Of course!" He squeaked, "The best!"

She smiled more, "Well then don't actually hit me when we practice, you're a human being not an amateur."

"Whats that?" He asked curiously as he turned to look at his older sister.

"Someone reckless and rude." She said, "I'm training you to know how to fight, its not just about hitting your opponent, its about skill and using your moves wisely, along with your energy. What'll happen if you go full on monstrous on your opponent? You'll be fumed out by the first round, meanwhile your opponent won't be and therefore he'll beat you." She explained.

"No!" He squeaked, "I won't let them!"

She laughed, "You will if you go straight for the hit, you gotta think before you strike. Ok?"

"Do you do that, noona?" He asked as he looked up at his sister.

She nods, "Of course I do. Why do you think I always win?"

"Pfft." He rolled his eyes, "Don't make me laugh."

Jina scoffed, "Oh yeah? Well don't mind if I do!" She said and began to tickle her baby brother.

"Hahaha! No!! Noona stop!" He laughed, "I'm gonna pee!"

Jina laughed along with her baby brother Jungkook.

-End of Flashback-

Jimin: Babe you ok?

"Huh?" I snapped out of it and faced my husband.

Jimin: You were zoned out.


I looked at my son.

Milo: ..?

How embarrassing..

"Ahem." I cleared my through, "Sorry, I was just deep in thought." I said, "What were we talking about?"

Milo: Well dad called me an amateur and I don't know why!

Jimin: Don't use that tone of voice on me boy.

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