I turned around, furrowed my eyebrows.

"No he doesn't, he hates me"

Keith folded his arms and stopped walking.

"He always carries around a note with him, everyday, everywhere he goes"

The note. I sucked in a breath. He'd kept it.

"I'm pretty sure it was from you, my dear"

I looked down and kicked a stone.

"Ya, it was from me"

"Can you tell me what was on it?"


"Because Brian always walks around the studio with that note clutched in his hand. He always mutters something like 'change, everybody changes, but what happened to me?'

He says it like he's mad you know, mumbling to himself. And I once walked into his little office room thing at the recording studio, it was covered with little pieces of paper, each saying something different, but each having YOUR name at the top"

I looked up and frowned. Brian.....missing me? What the heck? This was a weird day.

"Hey you want to watch some musicians with me?"

"You mean the musicians up on that hill?"


He smirked, got cocky.

"Ohh, I see, no. Can't. Sorry."

He winked at me before turning on his heal and running down the path we'd come.

What was he on?!

I rolled my eyes, replaced the headpiece and continued up the hill.

The musicians were very nervous today, I asked them why, and they said someone famous was here.

Ya, Keith Richards and Brian Jones, members of The Rolling Stones. Duh.

I took my usual spot and watched them begin.

Suddenly, a voice called out to wait.

They stopped and looked around, I looked as well. It might have been a year, but I'd recognize that voice anywhere.


He came stumbling up the small hill and set a recording machine down beside me. Hello there.

I kept my eyes downcast and decided to talk in another accent, no way was Brian going to know I was here.

"I'm sorry, could you please start over?"

Some of the musicians nodded and they began again. Brian moved the recording device up close to them and came back to sit beside me, guess that was his spot now. I got up to move away and he looked up at me with sad eyes.

"I was hoping you'd stay, miss, I'd like to know some more about these musicians"

His voice. His beautiful beautiful voice. I sighed and sat back down.


He looked at my eyes, I looked down.

"Your....I-I mean, can you speak, English?"

I stared at his hands as he moved them around the air.


He pronounced each syllable and I laughed, trying out my new (hastily made up) Moroccan accent.

"Of course I can"

Huh. Pretty good.

He swallowed and looked up.

"Your voice...."

I looked forward. Don't recognize me, don't recognize me, don't.

"It's very beautiful, I've heard it before"

I look at him weirdly, keeping the act going.


"I m-mean, um, you're voice sort of sounds like somebody that I think I c-care about"

He swallowed again.

"Just add an English accent"


"Ya, like mine"

The musicians ended their tune and Brian stood up.

"I hope I'll see you again, um-"

Think!! Some name... Ah!


That's my real name.

"Thank you Kaitlyn, will you teach me tomorrow as well?"

He bent his head down to fiddle with the buttons on the side of the small machine. I looked over at the musicians.

"yes, ok"

His head snapped up and his eyes grew wide. No, oh no. I'd let my fake accent drop!


He whispered, something in his eyes sparked and I noticed immediately that it was hope.

I laughed nervously,

"Um, no? Kaitlyn, my name is Kaitlyn"

I put the accent back on and he blew out a breath.

"Oh, um, sorry"

He moved to walk away and I closed my eyes, pressed my lips together.

I reached out and grabbed his arm, he looked back in surprise.

I looked at him, his eyes. And he looked back.

Big mistake.

He yanked his arm away and his eyebrows went together in anger.

"Katie is gone. You are not Katie. Katie could be dead! Oh what the hell did I do?"

He started talking to himself as he made his way down the slope. I just watched. Then I ran up to him. My intention was to tell him who I was, what I was doing here, but instead, all that came out of my mouth was;

"Tomorrow. I will be here"

He looked back,

"Can I call you Katie?"


"It's a short version of Kaitlyn, um, but if you don't li-"

"I like it, please call me Katie"

This could be a new start, well, until Brian leaves that is.

He smiled and we walked back down into the lights of the village.

Whatever Happened To Brian Jones?Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang