Carla x reader Can't sleep

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Again (y/n) stayed up watching the night sky.

'Can't sleep again..I feel so weak...what should I do? Should I tell Carla?'

she sighed thinking about it but than shook her head

'No that would just give him trouble'

she thought. Every time she tried to sleep she couldn't. the only time's she could she it would only be a few hours.

she wondered when Carla is coming to bed. He is always so busy.

(y/n) walked out of the room quietly but quickly.

"Where do you think you're going.."

A familiar voice behind me said.

she turned around to look at the person and Carla was standing there with his normal scarf covering his mouth.

she quickly bowed to him apologising to him.

"Answer me, woman."

he said in a tired tone. she looked at him

"I-i can't sleep again, and I was going to look for y-you."

she tried to say with confidence but fail miserably as her voice cracked out of fear of what might happen, Fear of the punishment she would have to go through.


Was all he said before opening the door to our room. she walked in and waited for Carla to walk in. He closed the door behind him and turned back to her.


(Me: it's not what you think so calm lol)

she blushed but nodded. she started from top to bottom but left my bra and underwear on.

"All of it."

He said and narrowed his eyes towards her. she nodded again and took her bra and panties off.

"Now get in bed and turn to the other side."

he said.

"Yes Carla."

she bowed then turned around and got into the bed.

After a few seconds Carla was In the bed with (y/n). He only had his boxers on.


she said blushing.

"Shush, now try and sleep."

He said a bit sleepy himself. He was holding onto (y/n) tightly not wanting to let her go. He was spooning her. she started to feel tired for once and somehow she fell asleep in his arms.

That night was the best sleep she had ever had before, thanks to my lover...Carla.

(End I hoped you liked it I'm off to sleep next is Shin x reader (wolves) don't forget to comment and vote see you soon my naughty children!)

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