Who I am ☺️

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What I look like:
Eyes: blue
Hair: blond
Skin: pale
What I wear: well if you see me I would be wear a dress because I'm always wearing a dress. If I am wearing a skirt it would be probably for a fashion thing going on with ruby (I will tell you that soon.)
If I wear shorts it would be ether for bed or for sport and PE at school.
What I'm like:
Well this is a hard one. Ummm. When you first meet me I'm shy as fuck. No lie there. But when we become friends will still be a bit shy but I'll slowly start to open up. If your my best friend I'll be all over you. I mean I will be talking none stop, I'll just go crazy. But I think I can be selfish sometimes, I just don't think sometimes and not pay attention to something's. Yah I probably sound like a bad person but there is another side of me to. I can be a big softy I just can't say no to anything (god it's just so fing hard) and I can't control myself. I'm also a big cry baby. I'm not all that smart ether.
My siblings: I have a lot of brothers and sister also step. I have and my half sister issy and my step sister ruby, my fav sisters. I have have 3 brothers Odin,Denis and I can't remember my other half brother I have never seen me before and I've only seen him in photo tho I know he doesn't want to see as. My brother Denis is my real brother and Odin and my step.
What do I want to be when I grow up?: I always wanted to become a singer if not a writer or a song writer (idk it's that same thing) 
My hobbies:
I love to sing and write also read those are my fav thing and also hang with friends.
(If there's anything else you would

love to know let me know soon)

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