Shu x reader forced lemon

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I had to hurry out of the house because one I'm tired of being here, and two it's a blood red moon it full and vampires don't go well on these days.
'I just hope I'll make it out alive.' I thought.

I grabbed what I could and ran.
"I'm almost there." I said.
When I stopped at the gate something hard hit me and I fainted.

I opened my eyes slowly trying to ignore the annoying pain in my head.
"Do your awake?"
I looked around to see where I am.
'I-I'm in a Dungeon?' I thought.'
"Yes and also changed up."
I looked up at him did he just?
"Yes i can read your mind."
I realised about the full blood red moon.

He walked closer to me forcefully biting into me causing to call out.
He started take all my clothes of off me.
"No,no! Shu! Stop it please! I beg you to stop."
"Ahh, shut up you're being nosy."
Earning a slap.
I still tried to struggle my way away from him.
The chains started to dig into my skin.

He undressed himself after undressing me.
Walked over to me, picking me up making me sit onto of him along with facing him. Giving him a good view.

He forcefully thrusted into me making me scream out loud, but that didn't stop him he continued making me bounce up and down on him.
" it....hurts...Shuu...please.." Tears started coming down heavily.

Shuu didn't listen to me only enjoying the sounds of my painful cry's.
He smirked at me and started moving faster.
Having a strange feeling filled though out my body and I moaned?
"Heh, so you do like this. You dirty girl. Okay I'll give you what you want and fulfil your slutty desires."
I shook my head.
"N-no...ahh.. I won't give in......I hate this....."
"You won't give in huh? Well then let's just see about that."
He started going into an inhuman seed for Shuu to do this is unlike him.
He is usually clam and lazy! I want that Shuu back not this.
He finally finished of inside of me, as I cried in his arms.
"Why?!? Shuu. I thought you were different! Why would you do this to me?!? I trusted you!!!"
"Make no mistake I am a vampire! And I'm going to keep doing this until you understand that you belong to me!"

Shuu unchained me and his jacket on me, because Shuu is bigger and taller than me it felt like a really big dress.
Shuu picked me after putting his clothes on and getting out of dungeon taking me into his room.

He placed me on his bed also getting into it, placing the covers over us as I cried in his arms.

Before I fell asleep Shuu said.
"I'm sorry, for doing something like that to you...." And kissed my forehead.
I smiled and said.
" it's okay Shuu, I still love you."
He held me tight not letting me se his face.
"I....I to.."
We fell asleep in each other's arms with a smiled on each other's faces.

(End! I know I know I did bad but I  hoped you liked it! Next will be Subaru x reader! Please don't forget to vote and comment what you think see you soon my naughty children!)

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