Kou x reader lemon 3 parts

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'I can't stand it here anymore I feel like I'm going insane. Bye kou I hope you find someone better than me.'

(y/n) thought before turning around and running away with tears streaming down her face.

-----weeks later---------------------

I was staying in a hotel.

'It's bin weeks since I last saw him.' My heart aches for him. I held onto my chest.

"I still love him....no I shouldn't cry, I need to be strong."I wiped away my tears.

"I should go for a walk." I stood up putting all my photos of kou and I away.

-----skip to outside your hotel-------

(y/n) was walking nowhere really. she didn't have enough money to buy stuff, and was really hungry. She'll just have to find somewhere to eat.

(y/n) walked past a park where her and kou had thier first kiss.

she walked over to the swings where the kiss was, and sat down.

"I love you,kou.." she said in a whisper.

"When why did you run away?!?"

She heard a voice and turned around on her heel's


"Why did you run away? If you say you love me why. You promised to be with me and never leave me."

She slowly looked down.

"You lied to me, AND I HATE LIERS."

He yelled and she looked back up at kou.

"I'm sorry kou. I just didn't think you'd want me. I thought you'd be better off without me."

(y/n) turned away and started running.

"(Y/n)! Come back here."

Kou yelled and started running after me. She quickly unlocked her door and ran in before she could shut the door, kou's foot stopped the door from shutting, making (y/n) fall backwards.

"No...Please kou. I'm not good enough for you."

He walked in and slammed the door shut locking the door.

"Shut up, just shut the fuck up, (y/n)!"

He yelled at her. (y/n) slowly sat up.

"Why me?!? Out of all the others you pick me. What do I have that other girls don't?!? Why do you want me?!?"

"Because you're my girl and I love you! I really don't know how but I do! All this time I've been searching for you and you staying were at a shit hotel and for what?!?"

she looked down once again.

"Start packing up we're leaving."

He muttered


She started

"No buts! Do it now!"

She sighed and nodded


(y/n) packed all her stuff and left with kou Back to the manor...

----skip to the manor----------------

Kou opened the door and yelled

"We're home!" He said in his usual happy voice.

'Why is he happy? Isn't he angry at me? He's probably too upset to think about it. Or is he just pretending to be happy.'

Diabolik lovers x reader's. ((Completed))Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ