Our make out session soon turn into a heated one. Franz strated to trail kisses down to my neck. My hands slowly place into to back of her head gripping her hair from the passion I'm feeling. She lifts me up wrapping my feet around her waist. I was so lost from her kisses and didn't noticed that there are other people on the room now until someone clears her throat.

"Ehhheemmmm. Sorry to interrupt guys but there are cops downstairs and they want our statement" Jami interrupted with Aid, Jeremy and Camille beside her.

"Ow.... okay... We'll be down in a minute" Franz replied chuckling as I burried my face on her neck from embarrassment. Aid wink at Franz giving her a mischievous smile.

"Hey baby. They're gone" Franz whisper to me smiling. Geeezzzz! I think all the blood in my system were on my face now.

"You're blushing baby" Franz teased as I burried my face to her neck again playfully slapping her arm. I heard her chuckle but we're still on our position. After a minute of cooling down, we fix ourselves then headed downstairs.

We said our statements to the cops and they said that we just need to settle some things with the bar and the other guys whose in the hospital right now. I just hope that the press will not learn about this incident or we will be in the front page of the latest magazine issue.


"Baby..... Wake up" I kissed Franz's cheek as I caress the bruises on her face.

"Five minutes baby....."

"Okay... I'll make breakfast... be back in five" I peck her lips and headed downstairs.

I was humming while making pancakes when Jami, Aid and Nina enter the kitchen.

"Wow, someone's in good mood" Jami said chuckling while getting three mugs.

"I think more of someone's getting some" Aid interrupts as Jami pinch her swollen lips.

"Awww! Why are you so sadist Jami? Just trying to lighten up the morning" she said frowning and points Nina with her lips.

"Hey Nina, do you know what you did last night?" Aid asked teasing.

"What? what did I do? and why do you have bruises on your face? Did you and Jami wrestled last night?" Nina asked chuckling.

"You don't remember anything do you?" Aid asks as Nina frown in confusion.

"You kissed your brother last night after we fought the guys who disrespect you" Aid said seriously as Jami and I trying to fight our laugh.

"I did what?!!!!" Nina's eyes buldge out in surprise as Aid burst in laughter.

"Aid?!!! Seriously?!" Nina nudge Aid's side.

"Nah! I'm just kidding. The one you kissed is Franz" Aid inform Nina chuckling. Nina turn to my direction with worry on her face.

"It's fine Nina. You're drunk. You didn't know what you're doing" I assure her as her face lighten up from relief. But there's something different about her smile. No! I think I'm just over analyzing everything.

After 10 minutes of cooking, I practically run upstairs to wake Franz up. She's still sleeping peacefully. I can't help but stare at this beautiful person in front of me. I love her so much and I will never let anyone to take her away for me. Not even Nina, my best friend.

I pulled out of my day dream when Franz stir on the bed. I immediately climb on the bed and pour her face a lot of kisses. She smile widely and pull on me on top of her with still closed eyes.

"Breakfast is ready baby.... Let's go now. They're all waiting for us"

"Okay.... But....." she said and stood taking off her shirt.

Once Upon a Drunk: Book 1 [I Got You] (girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now