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       • though; in spite of that.

They're laying on the couch and the lights are off, the only glow illuminating from outdoor streetlights and the wide-stretched TV across from them. It's currently displaying the enduring classic Beauty And The Beast, a film Troye knows Connor has seen a thousand times, but nevertheless agreed to with an affectionate smile on his face. 

It's not at all surprising that Connor's fallen asleep before the movie's even reached its climax, hand lax on Troye's shoulder and chest rising rhythmically beneath his head. Troye's attention is fixed on the flashing screen a few feet away, but it's nearly three in the morning and even a bright yellow dress accompanied by well-timed music can't keep him from settling in against his partner and letting his eyes slip slowly shut.

He's half fallen asleep himself by the time the credits roll and Connor drifts back into consciousness. Free hand fumbling blindly for the remote, he switches the now dim television screen off and carefully tries to slip out from beneath the younger boy, probably intent on not waking him up.

It's to little effect, Troye groans out in discomfort and clings viciously to Connor's t-shirt, not really caring how shocked Connor seems by the motion. He's tired and he's comfortable and Connor is much warmer than his stupid grey couch all by itself so screw all this bullshit tiptoeing Connor's being doing around him.

"Stay," he mumbles, the words almost indecipherable where his head is now mushed into the photographer's shoulder. Connor's stock still, hesitating, and doesn't move to lay back down beneath him until he gives his shirt another persistent yank.

Eyes remaining drooped shut and exhaustion clouding every inch of his brain, Troye mutters out a, "Good Connor," and pats at his chest before settling back down against it. He doesn't even feel the rumble of Connor's quiet laugh, gone from this plane of existence the minute he's wormed himself back into a comfortable position.

He'll probably have a kink in his neck tomorrow, but at the moment Troye doesn't really give a shit.

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