Chapter 42

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Haven is like nothing I've ever seen.

The walls that surround me feel are sky high. I see people. Hundreds of people. They move past me, each with a purpose of their own. The buildings that surround me have been converted into stores and little shops. A few miles in the distance I can see large green houses with rows and rows of crops. It's like a city. I almost feel like I'm back in the world the way it was before. I've never felt like this; I've never seen anything like this.

"I'll show you around," Luke says.

I follow him into a large alley where several golf carts are parked. He fishes a set of keys from his pocket and gets into the cart that's closest to us. I climb in and situate Sam on my lap. He stirs slightly but continues sleeping. We take off and begin driving down the streets.

Luke is a terrible driver.

We ran over things in the road and come close to hitting a few pedestrians. He hardly notices. Instead, he keeps punching the accelerator.

He shows me all of the important buildings and homes. We pass the home that belongs to the president of Haven. It's a large white house that seems fitting for a president. We pass the artillery and a large building where their army trains. Luke tells me he's first in command. We keep driving and pass a hospital that's full of doctors and nurses.

This place doesn't seem real to me. It's too good to be true. I feel like I'm in a dream. I could live here. I could start my life here. I can protect Sam here. He could grow up completely safe and never be in danger again.

"How did this place start?" I ask Luke.

He takes his eyes off the road for a moment to look at me. "I'm not sure. I know some men from the military started it and somehow it kept growing and growing. Survivors kept showing up and we managed to turn this place into a city practically."

"This is incredible," I breathe.

"Yeah," he smiles. "It is."

"Do you have a list of everyone who's here?" I question. My heart fills with hope. Daryl has to be here. I can't imagine him anywhere else.

"Yeah we do. Why?"

"I'm looking for someone."

He nods. "We'll stop at Headquarters and check."

We keep driving until we pull up in front of a large building that's made of glass. Through the windows, I see people sitting behind computers and in front of TVs. It's so strange to see. I keep blinking. I keep waiting to wake up. I keep waiting for everything to disappear.

Luke climbs out of the car and I follow him, carrying Sam in my arms. He opens one of the glass doors for me. I step inside and warmth embraces me.

"There's heat?" I ask in disbelief.

"In every single place," Luke replies. "Go to the front desk and tell Julie who you're looking for. If they're here, they'll be in the system."

I do as he says. Julie sits behind a large oak desk, several notebooks surrounding her. The small woman looks up at me with wide brown eyes. "May I help you?"

"Yeah, can you tell me if Daryl Dixon is at this camp?" I request.

She nods as she begins typing. The sound of a keyboard sounds so foreign. She glances up at me. "Your son is very adorable," she says with a smile.

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