Chapter 31

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        Later that night I’m dreaming. Jayson is there. I haven’t thought about him in a while so it’s strange to see him in my dream. He’s trying to convince me to stay--convince me that I’m making the wrong choice. We’re in a dark room, and his green eyes somehow manage to illuminate without there being any light.

I tell him I’ve found someone new and that despite everything that’s happened, I’m happier than I’ve ever been. He grabs my hands, pulling me forward, begging me to stay. Just as I’m about to tell him I’m leaving, I wake up.

“Macy up! Macy wake up!” a small voice giggles into my ear.

My eyes flutter open to see a little body standing beside my bed, red dye covering his face. “Sam, what are you doing?”

“I eat candy cane,” he explains as his pale blue eyes widen. “How you get line on your face?”

I stare at him in confusion. Glancing around for Daryl, I see no sign of him, and begin to wonder why Sam is so talkative with me this morning. Usually he talks like a baby when he speaks to me.

“What line?” I ask.

He traces his little finger down my scar and I flinch at his touch.

“It’s a scar. I got hurt really bad and it just never went away,” I explain, wondering if he even understands me at all.

He smiles, exposing the few teeth he has. “Okay.”

“Sam, where’s daddy?”

I look up. Rick stands in the doorway with his daughter bouncing on his hip. A big jacket hugs his shoulders as he takes a step closer to the end of my bed.

“You’re on baby duty today,” he grins.

I give him a blank stare.

“Daryl said you love kids?” he adds uneasily.

“That little son of—“ I stop when Sam grabs at a chunk of my hair, reminding me there’s children present and I probably shouldn’t swear.

“Is there a problem?” Rick asks, confused.

I feel my eyebrows pull together as I debate whether or not to say anything. I really do not like children, especially helpless babies. If I let anything happen to Rick’s daughter I’d never forgive myself.

“How about just for an hour? So I can some have one-on-one time with Carl?” he says, easily reading my expression.

I sigh. “Fine. One hour.”

His steps echo off the concrete floor when he reaches forward to gently touch my shoulder. “Thank you.”

“Where is Daryl anyway?”

“He’s out with a group hunting.”

I sit up, shaking my head. “His arm isn’t even healed yet.”

“Does that surprise you?”

“No,” I laugh. “Rick, where’s Laurie? I haven’t seen her.”

He tenses; his eyes become cold. I watch as the color drains from his face, realizing she must be missing or dead.

“She died when she had Judith,” he says finally.

Shit. I shouldn’t have asked. I scramble for something to say. “I’m sorry,” I blurt.

He produces a fake smile. “Thank you.”

Realizing there isn’t anything else to say, and that I’ve completely killed the pleasant conversation, I extend my hands forward, motioning that I’m ready to take Judith. Sam giggles beside me, attempting to climb onto the bed so he can sit next to me.

All That's Left (The Walking Dead FanFiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon