Chapter 18

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Athena Pov

"Let it all out, baby," Chris tells me as he holds my hair up and runs circles around my back with his other hand. I have been non stop vomiting since I started eating breakfast, and that was about an hour ago.

After throwing up a lot more I finally got myself to stop. "Thank you," I mumble in low whisper, leaning back on the toilet. "Anything for you," he mumbles back. He then stands up and holds his hand out.

I take his hand for him to help me up. "You can go eat, I'm going to brush my teeth," I assure him. He smiles, gives me a kiss on the cheek, and leaves the bathroom. After brushing my teeth, I look in the cabinet to find a couple pills.

Looking around, I found something else that could be useful: a pregnancy test. Should I take it? Just in case? I shrug at my thoughts and take it out the cabinet and it's box. Here goes nothing, actually, here goes everything.

I sit on the toilet then put the pregnancy stick in between my legs. It didn't take me long to pee on it since I didn't pee when I got up this morning. I flush the toilet and get up followed by me pulling up my pj shorts.

Once I looked how long I had to wait, which was five minutes, I set the stick down on the sink counter. One minute passes by...two minutes pass by...three minutes pass by...four minutes pass by, then five minutes pass by.

It's time. This is going to change my life forever. I sigh out and try to relax myself. I pick up the stick and look at the words that may or may not be pregnant.


I gasp at the words and smile. I'm fucking pregnant! There's a bun in my fucking oven! I'm going to be a mom and Chris is going to be a dad! Wait. Chris! I need to tell him asap! Thinking of him, he knocks on the door.

"You okay, babe?" He questions. I open the door quickly, startling him a little. He smiles when he sees me. "Chris..." I trail off, earning a worried face from him, "I'm pregnant," I state, holding up the pregnancy test.

His reaction was the same as mine. Suddenly he hugs me. "We're going to be parents!" He excitedly says. He then kisses me about a million times. "I can't believe it," he says, looking at me then at my stomach.

He gets low and by my stomach. "There's a baby in here --- our baby," he remarks, looking at stomach. He then lifts up my shirt and starts kissing it. "There's not even a bump yet, Chris," I laugh. He shrugs his shoulders.

"I don't care!" He tells me then goes back to leaving kisses on my stomach. Soon enough he starts talking to it. "Hey there kiddo, you're probably way to small to hear me but that's okay, as long as your actually in there. I'm your daddy and the one that's carrying you, is your mommy, I love you already," Chris tells my stomach.

I laugh and roll my eyes. I swear, Chris is just the cutest thing alive. "C'mon, baby," I say to Chris, requesting for him to get up. He again, kisses me, when he gets up, which I did not mind at all.

"Athena, we're going to be parents --- of a child! A living thing! A living thing that breathes and eats and poops and has feelings!" He says excitedly, making me giggle a little.

Him being so excited makes me be even more excited. "You're going to be such a great dad, Chris," I assure him. Honestly, I think he really will. "Our child is going to love you," I tell him. Our child. Wow. Parents. With the guy I love the most.

"And you're going to be great mom too, again," he remarks, thinking of Caleb. "Image if Caleb was here, he would have been screaming his guts out knowing that he was getting a new baby sister or brother," I tell Chris with a small laugh.

Man, I miss that little kid. "He still is getting a new baby sibling, he's just not here to see him or her," he conforms me, trying to stop me from thinking so negatively. "You're right --- and he's going to love her, slash him," I remark. Chris smiles and kisses me.

"You're damn right!" He says. This is why I love Chris. He brings the darkness out of me and puts in some of his brightness. "Chris, I absolutely love you and so will this baby." We then share a long and passionate kiss.

My universe just got a little better.


(A/n: sgfwohbsjxoxhghs she's pregerssss! Ahhh and happy thanksgivings day everyone!)

Crumbled To Dust -Book 2- (Chris Motionless)Where stories live. Discover now