Chapter 10

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Athena Pov

Michael fucking Kuza.

He shot me an evil grin as my mouth dropped at the view of him. "W-what?" I mumble, stuttering over my own words. "This can't be right," I think out loud. "Let's get going, we have our next bid," the lady tells me.

I slowly get down and stand there speechless as the next girl was going up. She looked like she was in her teens. Fifteen the youngest. "Help me," she whispers as she passes me. "I can't," I sadly tell her. She then gets pushed to get on stage.

She was as hopeless as I was. "Hi, Athena," I hear. I turn back and see Kuza standing right in front of me with that same evil grin he had on before. "When I saw you here, I was surprised, but I just knew I had to buy you," he assures me.

"You know me, Mike, why are you doing this?" I question. He was one of Chris' best friends, why would he want to do this? " 'Cause, your Chris', I like things that I can't have," he explains, stepping closer to me. "Well, you were Chris'."

I had no clue what to think, honestly I still had no idea what was going on. "C'mon, I need to sign some paper work before you're fully mine," he motions his head to the tables behind him. He grabs onto my hand and takes me with him.

About ten minutes later he was done doing whatever he was doing; I was spacing out the whole time. "Here," Kuza tells me, handing me two pieces of clothing. I unfold it and see a black old Led Zeppelin shirt and a pair of legging.

"Just for you," he winks. I didn't respond. "By the way, that guy gave me the chip, don't try escaping. C'mon let's get you some new clothes," he says. "You're going to be with me for a long time," he adds.

- Chris Pov / 8:00 pm -

Where the hell could she be? I asked all the guys, her brother, and even her parents. They still don't know we are, well, were, getting a divorce; I'm not sure about all that yet. Anyways, they said that she's not with them.

Ricky called me saying that he went everywhere (with Vinny's help): the bar, mall, cemetery, all different types of stores, forest...everywhere! I don't know what to do. Should I file a police report? I think that's the only thing I could do.

I dial 911 and put the phone to my ear. "911, what is your emergency?" The phone operator questions. "Hey um, my wife: she has been gone for a whole day and we have looked for her everywhere and we can't find her and I've called all her family members and she's not with them," I answer, first calmly but then very nervously.

"To file a police report she has to be missing for 48 hours --- if she's not there by tomorrow then call again," she tells me. Fuck. That doesn't fucking help! I want my Athena to be here right now! "Oh, okay. Thanks," I say then hang up.

I sigh as I put my phone down. What if she's actually, missing? The thought of that made my heart break into pieces. Maybe if I would have forgiven her in the beginning she would be here with me. Why did I even let her stay at the stupid party by herself, drunk?! I'm an idiot!

- Athena Pov -

Is it bad that I'm laughing? And smiling? We went to the Philadelphia mall to get me a shit load of clothes and came back and fixed up my room. Mike has a big heart and I know he will end up letting me go by the of the week, I know it.

Right now we're eating pizza in the kitchen while talking. About what? Anything. He reminds me so much of Chris, personality wise. No one could be as beautiful as my Chris. No one. "Want another piece?" He questions.

I nod my head no. "No thank you," I tell him. He puts another piece of my plate. "Eat it," he demands. "Why?" I question. "Because if not I'll punish you," he explains, with a straight face. "What is my punishment?" I ask, in a low tone of voice.

He throws his pizza on his plate. "Close your eyes," he demands. This time I listened. Not long after, I felt something wrap around my eyes: a piece of cloth. "Hands behind your back," he says into my ear. I did as told and felt rope wrap my arms.

He then grabbed onto my arm and quickly took me somewhere. I couldn't see. He pushed me back but I feel onto something soft: a bed. "You're going to feel so much pain."


(A/n: yesterday I went to the Apollo X tour and it was the best night of my life! I got to grab Chris' hand and Ricky noticed me so many freaking times! Sadly I didn't met any of them but it's okay, I still had an amazingly fun night!)

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