Chapter 5

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Ricky Pov

She starts to cry on my shoulder. "I messed up bad, Ricky," she cries, and also slurs out. I lift her head up by putting my hand under her chin.

"We both did," I tell her in a very low whisper, but loud enough for her to hear me. "Ricky, can you do something for me?" She questions. I nod my head yes and say, "yeah, anything, what is it?"

"Kiss me."

I nod my head no. "I can't Athena," I tell her. Yes, I want to, but I can't, not after all that has happened. "Chris already hates me, it can't get any worse," she mumbles, looking down. "Just this once okay?" I tell her.

She nods and I place my lips on hers. After us kissing in unison for a bit she pulls away. I hate how she only likes me when she's drunk, I've always liked her, I just had to put my feelings aside for Chris.

"You can spend a night at my house if you want," I assure her. She gives me a weak smile and nods. It seems like she didn't have one drink yet she's drunk out her mind and will not remember a thing tomorrow.

I give the bar tender a hundred dollar bill and tell him that I covered mine and Athena's drinks. I'm not drunk, for I can handle driving. Putting my hand on her side, so she doesn't fall, I asks her for her keys.

She gives them to me and we walk to her car. I help her get in the passenger seat and buckle the seatbelt. I then get in and start the car. "I feel like you would be a really boyfriend, you know that?" She tells me.

It was sort of hard to understand what she was saying but I figured it out. "This is only because I'm around you," I remark while driving. Might as well tell her the truth since she won't remember it tomorrow.

"I have always wanted you to be mine, even when I was with Jessica I thought of you. I remember the day I slept by your side because you were feeling so sad --- that was about two months after we met. That was a horrible day for you but that was the day I knew how it felt to be in the same bed as you; it felt great. I could see why Chris is madly in love with you, because I am too. I fell so deeply in love with you and I don't think I can get out of it. I just --- love you."

She wasn't responding and it worried me. I looked over at her and saw that she was sleeping. I sigh out and look back at the road. That what a epic fail.

Finally, I got to my house after driving a bit. I turn off the car and look at her sleeping. She will never be mine and I will have to accept that, but now I have ruined her happiness, something I didn't want to do.

I had to carry her into the house. I decided to put her on my bed. After grabbing my biggest shirt, I woke her up so she could put it on. She groaned but she woke up. "Here, you'll be more comfortable," I tell her, giving her my shirt.

"Thank you," she mumbles. I flash a small smile and grab some pillows and blankets for the couch and walk out. The thought of me never getting a goodnight kiss ran through my mind, bringing pain into my heart, so much pain.

-Athena Pov / Morning -

Slowly sitting up, I noticed that I wasn't at home, then everything came shooting at me: I cheated on Chris and he wants a break. Tears start falling at the thoughts.

"Get it together, I did this to myself," I think out loud, trying to get myself from being a total wreck. I wipe off the tears and get out of the bed.  The moment I looked down I notice that I had Ricky's shirt on and no pants.

Again I looked around and then realized that I was at Ricky's. Not again.... Walking into the living room, I see him sleeping on the couch with the blanket almost covering his whole body. I couldn't help but to chuckle.

Just laughing made my head hurt. I decided to go into the bathroom and look for some Advil®, or anything to kill this pain.

- Chris Pov -

I wait nervously as I stand outside of Ricky's door. I shouldn't even be the one who's nervous. I decided to come over because I wanted to talk things out and apologize for smashing my fist in his face.

Of course I'm still mad, mostly hurt but I've known him for years now and he's my best friend, I wish I could say the same about Athena. I sigh at the thought of her, also wondering where she is and if she's okay.

I knocked on the door again. After a couple of seconds, Ricky opened the door. He looked very tired still but then his eyes widened when he saw me. He puts his fist over his head defensively.

"Don't worry, I'm not ganna' hit you," I assure him. He sighs and puts his hands down. "Oh," is all he says. "Can I come in?" I ask him. He gives me a weird look and looks behind him worriedly. "Sure," he says, emphasizing the word.

After entering his house he closes the door behind me. "Okay," I sigh out. "-I wanted to say sorry for hitting you yesterday but-" I get cut off by the sound of the most beautiful human being ever. "Hey Ricky, where's the adv-" she stops when she sees me.

- Athena Pov -

Fuck, I can't find anything. I then hear voices from the living room. Ricky is probably awake and on the phone or something. I go into the living room with my head down due to the pain. "Hey Ricky," I look up. "-where's the adv-" I stop myself.

My everything standing in front of me.


(A/n: hehehe, I'm evil, I left a cliffhanger!! What do you think is going on happen?)

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