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*At the hotel*

Hannah's P.O.V

"Harry, thank you so much for taking me to your family's place. It was so nice of you. I had a good time" I smiled at Harry at the door, he was about to leave because he has to meet the boys at the studio. "My pleasure, bear. Hey, are you too exhausted now? I mean... if you're not, you can go with me to the studio and have a meeting with the management. You know.. about the job? But uh... If you're tired, you can meet them later" Harry asked. Well, I'm not tired. I was sleeping on the train earlier and of course I wanna meet the boys again! "Oh, I'm not tired! Can you wait for a minute? I just wanna chance my clothes" I winked at him. He smiled and nodded. Five minutes later I was done changing my clothes and shoes. Now we're heading to the studio.

*At the studio*

We're outside the studio, there are many people with camera. I don't know what they're doing. But I got a feeling that these people are paparazzi. Oh, no! I don't know how to get pass them "Harry? Why are they here?" I asked and probably sounds afraid. "Well, I don't know Hannah. You just hold my hand when I open the door for you, okay? I'll lead you inside quickly" he said. I nodded. When we tried to walk in, many of them shouted and asking things "Harry! Who's that girl? We found the picture of you two on the internet. You went to visit your parents? Is she a special girl?" said one of them. I'm scared as hell right now. Harry just keep leading me without saying anything. "Is she a one night stand, Harry? But, what is it? You downgrade your taste of woman?" a man shouted from behind "Is she one of One Direction's groupies?" he continued. Oh my God! That hurts me! "Oh my God.." I mumbled. Apparently, Harry heard me and looked at me. I knew my face was turning red and I was about to cry. Never in my life I heard someone calls me like that. But I can hold it. Harry stopped and looked back at the guy who shouted the questions "She's a very nice lady and I intend to take care of her while she's here. And don't you ever say anything like that again or we're gonna have a problem after this" Harry looked fierce and he was looking sharp at the guy. Then he grabbed my hand and keep walking. Luckily, there's a security helps us to go into the studio.

I can't breath normally, someone just called me a one night stand girl. It hurt my feelings and now I don't know what to think. I sit on a chair at the lobby and blank staring. Harry comes and kneels before me. He grabs my hands "Baby, are you okay?" he asked and frankly, he looks really sad. I nodded, I'm still out of words. "Look, the last thing I want is to hurt you. I'll never let other people hurt your feelings like this again. And I'm so sorry that I caused this to you. They're here because of me, not you baby. They can be rude sometimes, but I won't let them get you. So can you be my tough baby?" he grabbed my chin, made me look at his eyes. I nodded but I have tears in my eyes "They're so rude and no one called me that before" I talked in raspy voice, well.. because I cried a little. He hugged me and stroked my hair "Aaw come here. I'm sorry baby. I'm here now, please don't cry again. I don't like seeing you like this. Baby, please don't cry" he tried to comfort me. And I don't wanna make scene. I felt better since he hugged me, so I released myself "I'm okay. But could you hug me for five more minutes?" I smiled at him. "Of course, baby. I don't have balloons anyway" he chuckled and kissed my forehead.

Niall, Zayn, Louis and Liam came in, they saw us hugging "What's with the sad face?" Zayn said while poking Harry's shoulder "And what's with all paparazzi out there? Hannah, you okay?" he asked. Harry stood up "They were asking inappropriate things about her. So she was upset. But, she's okay now" he smiled at me. "Oh my God, they shouldn't done that. This is way out of the line!" Liam was upset about this "Seriously, they need to learn how to dig information properly. They didn't go to mental hospital, they went to school for God sake!" he pissed off. "Hannah, don't once listen to them okay? If you cry, it'll make your lips swollen like this again" Louis meant to cheer me up, but he failed. I grabbed my lips. I looked at Harry and he giggled. Niall laughed out loud but then hugged me "Don't worry Hannah banana, you're a tough girl. Here, I have some chocolate bars. Harry said it can change your mood" he gave me a lot of chocolate. Of course, I'm happy now!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2015 ⏰

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