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This story takes time right after "Take Me Home" album released (so I guess Harry hasn't become a hot guy like now, but still a cute cupcake!)

Hannah's P.O.V

My name is Hannah Rosemary Baker and I'm 19 years old. I'm a shy girl, never wear heels shoes (of course I've tried once, but went to the doctor after that). I have brown messy wavy short hair, I'm too lazy to brush it. I was raised and live somewhere in Asia, because my Dad has been working as a chef there since I was 5. I am now pursuing my dream to live in London.

I'm working at a multinational company that has an office in London. And a couple weeks ago London office was looking for an employee for creative team. Well, I just tried my luck and sent my application.. And here I am!! Having an interview tomorrow. Gosh! I'm excited!

I booked a hotel near a famous coffee shop (rumor has it, that many celebrities spotted having coffee there). Because I was arrived at 2 A.M last night, of course I'm pretty tired. It's now 8 A.M and I'm starving! So, I'm rushing to go to the cafe, hoping I could see a celebrity! I'm running to the elevator and crush someone.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. My bad, I'm in hurry" I was panic, I hope I didn't hurt this boy. "Oh, it's fine. I'm okay" said the boy. I helped him to pick up his books on the floor. He seems very young and he's alone, I think he's a high school student. Looks like he's got a great sense of fashion. I smiled "Sorry though. I didn't mean to make your books got all over the floor. Are you here alone?" I didn't mean to pry, but I think people stay at this hotel to enjoy holiday, why is he bringing books?? He nodded, his eyes were widened and sparkling "Yeah. Actually I'm here for an internship program at Vogue. It's my dream working at fashion magazine". "Get out! That's why you've got great sense of fashion! Well, so we have the same purpose here. I'm also here to have an interview tomorrow" I smiled widely, I guess was overexcited. "You don't say! I'm Justin by the way. I'm staying at 502" (if you know Justin character in Ugly Betty, this is him. I loooove that show!). "Oh! And I'm Hannah. I'm staying next to you, 503. Nice to meet you, Justin".

We're outside the hotel, the weather is nice. "So, Justin. Where are you going now?" I asked him while looking for snacks in my bag. "I have to go see the HR person at Vogue at 10 sharp" he explained. Hmm... I could use a good company to have a breakfast "Hey, why don't we have a breakfast first? It's still 8". "Okay" he cheerily agreed.

We're walking to the coffee shop and I saw a record store by the side of the road. "OMG! A record store!! Justin, do you mind if we get in there for a minute?" I begged him, I must've looked like a crazy kid begging for balloons. "Yeah, sure!" he didn't mind. In the shop, I got some vinyl. I love listening to old musicians like 60's to 90's, so I got Blur, The Stone Roses, Pink Floyd, eight records of The Beatles (of course), Oasis, Sinead O'Connor, The Moody Blues and The Smiths. And.... What is that on the corner?? One Direction vinyl player?? Hmm.. I reminded myself that I'm not here for blowing money, but I can't get this chance often, right? So yeah, I bought it too (I cried out loud inside). After that, we continued walking to the coffee shop and my hands were full with these records. I must admit, I can't carry all these by myself. Because I also bring a DSLR camera (I love photography). Thank God there's Justin helping me out.

So we're now at the coffee shop, Justin found us a table right beside a group of guys. "I'm craving for hot chocolate, Justin.. Maybe some croissant too. And maybe... some pancakes.. and..." I was really starving and this coffee shop has a delicious smell. "I should've known you're an eater, considering your hips" he was checking on my hips the whole time? "What the..?? You've been checking on my hips?? I'm sorry but.. Aren't you gay?" okay, I shouldn't have asked that. "Yeah, of course I'm gay. I was checking your hips because it's a part of my job now, remember? You're not fat thou, but you gotta stay calm on food. I don't wanna be friends with a potato" he mocked me, great. "Yeah, thanks a lot for the motivation!". I opened my bag to get my camera and some chocolate bars. Yes, I always have snacks in my bag. "Eww!! What are those?? You eat junk?" he peeked. "Hey! Why don't you just eat a carrot stick? Leave me alone!" oh, this kid... I could've died in rage. But actually it was never happened, because our breakfast was ready!

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