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*One and a half hour later*

Hannah's P.O.V

"Gemma, how are we gonna sneak these in? We can't do that!" I complained to Gemma. "Oh I know! We'll pass the backyard, and we'll put these in the storage room" okay, that's a nice plan. After we done all that, we entered the house through front door. "We're hooome! Anne, I'll help you" I ran to the kitchen.

After cooking, we decorated the table and I feel satisfied that I did it too well. Well, Anne did it too well. I just like to take the credits all by myself. After all done, I went to take a shower and put on a dress that I bought earlier with Gemma. It's a cute black skater dress. And I've got my hair done with Gemma's help, ooh I wish I can get rid of this stitches! I went downstairs and found some members of the relatives. "Everybody, this is Hannah. Harry's friend" Anne introduced me to the relatives, some of them hugged me. And there's a cute little girl, I think it's Harry's cousin. She's so small, I think she's around 2 years old. I sat on the floor with her, and playing with my lego. I think she doesn't understand how to build it yet. Then Gemma joined us. I saw Harry looked at us, but he was chatting with his aunt. I'm playing ukulele and Gemma is singing, we're singing Somewhere Over The Rainbow . And the little girl is dancing her shoulders, everybody laughed. Aaww she's so cuuute. She is yawning a couple times. I think she's tired "I think she's sleepy" I talked to her mother. "Yeah. She was playing all afternoon and refused to go to bed. Let me tuck her in" her Mom was about to get up. "Oh, let me try. She can sleep in my room" I said confidently "Are you sure?" her Mom doubts it. "Yeah, I'll try. If she cries, I'll call 911. Come on, baby" I carried her to my room. Anne giggled and shook her head.

Hmm.. this girl is tough! She's just jumping on my bed, her mother was right. But she's yawning all the time. "Hey, do you wanna sing again?" I thought that maybe if she hears some music she'll be asleep easier. So I toke a guitar and sing a slow music. She's beginning to close her eyes. Meh! That was easy.

I was about to get out the room and... "Harry!" I was shocked. "What are you doing?" I caught him peeking at the door. "What were you singing? Sounds nice. Is that a kid's song? Because the lyrics so.." oh God, he doesn't know that? "It was We're Going To Be Friends by The White Stripes" I rolled my eyes "And what are you doing here?" I pulled his hair, hoping he will smile but he didn't. "Hannah...Can I..Can I hug you?" he sounded so serious and sad. Jeez! Why is he having up and down mood? But, I nodded. He just hugged me really tight, not saying a word. He kissed my forehead once and hugged me again. I think this is the nicest thing he ever done to me. We were hugging for 10 minutes, right before Anne announced the dinner was ready.

We had a lovely dinner. Harry's big family is really nice, they're all welcoming me. And after dinner, we gathered in the living room and played some games. And Harry poked my shoulder and asked me to go. "Mom, we're going for a walk. Just a minute" Harry told Anne.

Harry's P.O.V

When we were having dinner, all I think about was Hannah. I saw the fun my family had with her. I saw her and my Mom dancing to The Beatles songs in the kitchen this afternoon while cooking for dinner, I was happy to see them. My sister also got the same reaction for her. I just need a moment with her.

"Mom, we're going for a walk. Just a minute" I just need to take Hannah out. I wanna be with her, just her. "Where are you going, darlings?" my Mom came to us. "We're going on a romantic date under the moonlight" Hannah said that with a flat face. Whaat?? Oh my God, Hannah! My Mom of course, giggled then commended me to take care of her. You know, so she doesn't get any more scratch on her skin.

I'm taking her to a special place so we can have some time alone. We both sit in the car in silence. "Where are we going?" she finally asked. "Well, Hannah. I'm taking you to a place where I used to go when I needed to stay away from people" I hope I sounded like a mysterious guy. "Alright. I've got pepper spray if you're trying to do something inappropriate" she teased me "Hey, Harry? What about some music?" yeah, I think it's not a terrible idea. The place is a bit far anyway, so we can use some music around here "Good idea, Hannah. Oh, we don't have good CD here. Just old songs" well, this car belongs to my Mom. "Don't worry, I have my iphone here. I'll connect it to the music player without a cable" she tapped her phone and tried to connect it. "Oh you can do that?" I wondered how we can do that. "Yes. It's called bluetooth. Welcome to 2005 (just pretend this innovation created in 2005 :))" she mocked me again. Shit. She sang and did a little dance sometimes. But I like her music collections, sometimes I sing with her. I'm gonna miss this when she leaves.

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