Chapter 15: Un Bel Niente

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Louis’s POV

“Kangaroo.” Harry said, his thumb rubbing tiny little circles into the back of my hand as we both stared up at the ceiling of our living room.

“Lizard.” I said in return. It was now around five in the evening and the two of us have done a beautiful nothing all day, just lounging around the flat, eating when we got hungry, talking when we got bored, watching the telly when there was nothing else to do. It was great finally being able to do whatever we wanted, neither of us having to run off to see a girlfriend or having to leave for work or anything. It was just Harry and I, me and Harry, HarryAndLouis, all day.

And I loved it.

“Monkey.” The boy beside me spoke up again. We were currently lying on our backs in the middle of the floor, playing a little alphabet game, where we chose a category and had to name things in that category alphabetically. Animals were the current topic.

I bit my lip in concentration as I stared at the white paint on the ceiling of the room. “N…” I murmured to myself. “What animal starts with an ‘N’?!”

Harry laughed at me. “I don’t know love, you’re going to have to figure it out, aren’t you?” he said, jabbing my ribs teasingly. I pouted and thought harder.

“There is not one animal that starts with an ‘N’.” I stated turning my head to look at him. His curls, messy and untamed, framed his pale face, green eyes sparkling with amusement as his lips began to curve up in a lopsided smirk, revealing the dimples that I loved so much. My pout faded as my heart began to beat quicker. This whole day felt surreal to me, and in just this moment, I found it hard to breathe.

This was the boy I loved.

The boy that said he loved me.

And even if nothing was made official yet, he was mine. In this moment at least, he was completely mine.

“There has to be.” Harry chuckled, bringing me out of my daze.  I huffed and rolled over, so I was literally on top of him, our chests flush against each other and faces only centimeters apart. I could tell my sudden action caught him by surprise as his eyes widened slightly, but he didn’t seem to mind, his hands eventually coming up to grip my waist and hold me in place as I looked down at him.

“Really, name one animal that starts with an ‘N’ then, smart ass.” I challenged, a smile already present on my lips as I looked at him. I could see his mouth twitch into a wider smile, a cheeky look on his face.

“Narwhal.” He said simply. My mouth dropped open in surprise. How did I not get that?! And he just said it so simply.

Harry laughed loudly at my face before leaning up to catch my lips quickly with his. I pouted at him the minute his lips left mine.

“That’s not fair.” I whined.

“What, the fact that the mighty narwhal deluded you?” he joked.

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