Chapter 9: Confusion and Stronger Feelings

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Louis’s POV



Finally, finally, FINALLY!

Have I said it enough yet?

We finally (yes I had to say it again) get to go back to London.

Is it obvious I’m happy?

Because if it’s not, it should be.

It’s not that I don’t like America, because I do. I really do. Traveling here is great all the time, and New York City is an amazing place to be and not to mention the fans and MSG and the Jingle Ball where we just performed. It was amazing.

But none of that mattered.

Not while Taylor was here.

It just seemed that no matter what I did, who I was with, what was happening, knowing that she was there, killed me. I hated her attitude, the way she flaunted Harry off, the way she was probably using him, and everything else. I just hated her. And I never really hated anyone.

Not to mention the fact that she had Harry wrapped around her little finger. That was just the bullet to my heart. It hurt so much more than it should to see him prance around with her like she was the most perfect angel on the face of the Earth. It shouldn’t though. Not like that. I mean if it was Stan or one of the other lads in this situation I’d give them my warning but I didn’t feel like it would bother me as much as this did. I would just tell them how stupid they were being and then step back and let them learn for themselves. But with Harry I couldn’t seem to do that. No matter how hard I tried my mind always flew back to him. Whether or not he was happy, if Taylor was really using him, what would happen if they broke up, why he was even dating her, why would he even do this to himself anyway? Why would he do this to me?

I couldn’t help but feel selfish at the last thought. I was supposed to be concerned for my best mate’s well being, not my own mysterious sense of discomfort. Sure he was Harry, and that made him special, but I still had to be concerned about him, not me.

Thinking all of this over just hurt my head more. I shook it clear as I continued handing off my luggage to Paul and other people that were helping the lads and I get ready to get on the plane back to London. My point was that I was extremely happy to be leaving and getting away from all of this Haylor shit.

I felt like I was finally going to get my Haz back. Sure they may still be dating, but he won’t constantly be around her or talking to her. Maybe we would finally be able to get our relationship back to before Haylor began. Before Larry got too bad. Before everything got out of hand.

I let out a small sigh of disappointment when I realized that I probably wasn’t going to get things to go back there completely. Our friendship had been deteriorating even before Taylor was in the picture. And a good deal of that was my fault.

I was going to have to fix that.

“Lou? Come on, we have to get going!” I heard Zayn’s voice snap me out of my thoughts. My head snapped up and I saw him standing a few meters away towards the entrance of the plane terminal while Liam and Niall disappeared through the entrance behind him.

“Sorry!” I apologized quickly and hurried over towards him. Just as I was walking through, Harry walked out, wearing his coat and beanie, looking like he was going outside rather than onto a heated airplane.

“Harry? Where are you going? We’re leaving soon.” I said, confused as to why Zayn had rushed me along, but now Harry was walking away.

He paused and turned around giving me a nervous and confused look.

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