Chapter 14: Confessions

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Harry’s POV

I shifted slowly, consciousness slowly creeping back into my awakening body. My heart started to beat faster when I felt something around my waist move as well, its grip tightening around me. Something tickled my nose as it brushed against the skin lightly. It smelt good however; familiar and welcoming.

My eyes blinked open weakly and light flooded in, making me close them again quickly. I groaned quietly and opened them again.

This time they stayed open when they landed on the brown feathery hair and tanned skin of the boy curled into my side. My heart thumped loudly in my chest as I tried to register the fact that this was real.

Was it?

I relaxed a bit when memories from the night before came to my mind.  Yes. This was real. Louis Tomlinson was here, wrapped in my arms, sleeping peacefully with his face buried into the crook of my neck.

To say this was a turn of events was an understatement. I had left the bar last night expecting to come home to an empty flat, or at least a sleeping and very angry Louis.

None of that had happened.

He was awake. He came into my room after me. He kissed me.


I was caught off balance, my heart jumping into my throat as his lips crashed against mine.

I didn’t know how to react as he moved his lips in a gentle rhythm, trying to get me to respond. Despite my surprise I wasn’t stupid enough to let this opportunity slide past me. This was what I wanted. I loved him. Even if none of it made sense.

His arms slid around my neck as the kiss progressed and my hands instinctually moved so I was gripping his hips.

“Wh-What are you doing?” I breathed heavily against his lips, our faces still barely an inch apart and his eyes closed as he caught his breath.

“Shh.” Louis hushed quickly, breathlessly. “Just… let me… don’t argue.” He spoke in rushed fragments before connecting our lips again. I obeyed, not arguing and letting him continue with what he was doing; continue with the way he was gripping onto me and kissing me with everything he had. I let him do it.

I was leaning most of my weight against him, my knees weak, but he didn’t seem to mind having to hold me together, not missing a beat as he eased us down so we were now sitting on the bed assuring that I wouldn’t collapse under his touch.

“I’m… s-sorry Lou.” I managed as his lips trailed along my jaw. He shook his head in disapproval.

“Don’t apologize please.” He begged. “Just… forget… forget about it.”

[On Hold!] Swift and Painless (Larry Stylinson)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα