Chapter 1: Welcome To NYC

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So 2014 Reina just revisited this author's note and cringed. I started writing this story before I was a massive Larry shipper. And while my opinion still stands on the whole "Respect Eleanor, Taylor (even though she's history now ((to directioners at least))) and Harry and Louis and... well EVERYONE" aspect of things, the long note was unnecessary. And while yes, this story is fictional, I'm not saying that I believe Larry is entirely fake anymore. So the old author's note was rather condescending...


I HOPE YOU ENJOY THE STORY THAT I STARTED TWO YEARS AGO AND HAVE YET TO FINISH.... *nervous laughter* yeah sorry about that. xx

Louis’s POV

“We’re here, now let me sleep!” I called out before running and diving onto my bed in mine and Harry’s hotel room. I heard him laugh from behind me.

“You should at least unpack first Lou.” He told me, placing his stuff down on his bed next to mine.

“Shuddup you sound like Liam.” I said through my pillow.

“Alright, alright, do whatever you want. We have nothing to do the rest of the day.” Harry said, looking through his suitcase for something. I grumbled and rolled over, sitting up.

“What time is it anyway?” I asked him. He turned and looked at the time on the cable box.

“One in the afternoon.” He said before returning to what he was doing.

“Which means it’s… six in London?” I asked. He nodded. I groaned. I was going to be so jet lagged. I already feel exhausted from the damn plane ride. This was going to take a bit of adjustment. As always. I sighed and grabbed my phone out of my pocket, turning it on for the first time today, and checking through all of my missed messages. I smiled at a text from Eleanor.

To: Louis

From: Eleanor

Hey babe, have a safe trip. Text me when you get to your hotel in NYC. See you in a few days when we all come out. Love you xxxx

-El <3

“A text from El?” Harry questioned, giving me a knowing, yet kind of emotionless look. I nodded, not looking up to face my friend as I responded to my girlfriend.

To: Eleanor

From: Louis

Hey El, just got to the hotel. Tired, but the ride over here was fine. I’m going try and get some sleep. Can’t wait till you get here. Love you lots xxxxxxx


I sent the message and placed the phone on the table next to my bed and standing up, picking up my bags and moving them over to the other corner of the room so they were at least out of the way until I could unpack them.

“What did she say?” Harry asked slowly, not looking up at me. I shrugged.

“Nothing much, just telling me to have a save trip and that she’d seen me soon and she loved me.” I shrugged at the very normal text from my girlfriend. He nodded, his eyes remaining glued on whatever he was digging out of his bag. I grabbed my phone charger and plugged it into the outlet by the window and placed the phone on the sill. I paused and looked out the window.

“Woah…” I breathed looking at the buildings and sky line in front of me and then the tiny people and what looked like toy cars in the streets below.

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