Ch-5. Incessant

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It is a finite theory of what humans crave for, is it the undeniable power or something to have faith in, that makes us feel insecure about our stability , is it fear or veneration to something more powerful to us . What makes us go to any extend for what we care about , the avarice I may say. We may try to unheed the realm of action but the bitterest of the truths lie antecedent of them ' the might of the incessant time 'which tarnishes the bygones as it flows.

It is the fear of losing, and the awe that something heftier may come next. Well l have no fear, because I have nothing to lose . But what I do have is hope and faith for a better tomorrow.

I had no peaceful sleep last night the minute I thought I did, something disruptive evaded it .

I woke up to the buzzing sound of my alarm . Being an early waker, I decide to jump up to my diurnal itinerary, starting from scraping my teeth to grabbing an energy bar. I move out of my apartment and take the stairs, the drowsing security guard outside seems like
he will fall on the ground any minute, I feel like hitting him hard on the head but think otherwise. Lucky for him I'm not in the mood of firing someone so early,
I shrug at it and begin to walk.

It is still dark and cold outside so I pull my hood over my head and begin to jog. The roads are empty, just some early office workers are finding cabs to their work place . People are wrapped in sheaths of clothing because of cold weather.
I make my way to the nearest park- the Seattle centre located in central of Seattle.

It's funny that the city's greatest public space is not really an official park. But, since Seattle Center is such an important part of the city it acts like a Central Park for it . I reach there and read the board outside , SEATTLE CENTER - 40 acres of open space .
A true urban hub, Seattle Center was built as the fairgrounds for the World's Fair in 1962.. 

I jog around for half an hour or so after looking at roads starting to crowd I return back to my place. And directly head to take a hot shower before heading to the office, I have an early meeting so I pull out an outfit to keep myself warm as well as to give an official look. It seems quite casual to me anyway as I generally wear these kinds of clothes.
I finish up with everything and take my files and laptop with me and head to my car.
I get inside and turn on the heat system . It's freezing out here and I think it might snow very soon. I start my car after a try and speed to my work .
After being stuck in the traffic for good 10 min I make it on time. I give my keys to the valet and make my way towards the building.


Hey my beloved readers,
How are you all,
Thanks to you all this story has crossed 500 reads 150 votes and 110 comments... U guys are the best...
So this chapter was the longest I have ever written, as most of you were wanting that. Hopes are high that you all like it. And keep voting, suggesting, commenting and reading.
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Thanks a lot again...
Your faithful writer,
-the-varnika ~♥~

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