Chapter 28

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I'm shipping to right before Christmas (you were in August). Also, be prepared for feels and a super long chapter!
-Your POV-
"Yes mom, I'll come home for Christmas." I said.
"And make sure you bring your boyfriend with you!" My mom said cheerfully.
"I promise mom! I have to go! I love you!" I said, slipping on my jacket.
"I love you too! Bye sweetheart."
"Bye mom." I hung up the phone and shoved it into my back pocket.
"Babe..." Jordan knocked on the door frame. "You ready?" I smiled and walked over to him, kissing him on the cheek.
"Yep. Let's go boo." I said, straightening my dress. I was wearing a dress that didn't fit me with a pair of black jeans and a dark blue jean jacket. The dress was down to my mid thigh and bright blue. It was ruffley and had a layer of tool over the top.
"You look gorgeous babe." I blushed slightly as Jordan said wrapping his arms around my waist. " I'm so lucky that you fell in love with me..." He said, looking into my eyes. My face was as red as a tomato now.
"St-stop it." I stuttered.
"Never." Jordan said, leaning in and kissing me. I basically melted into his arms, resting my own on his shoulders. Suddenly, I felt Jordan grab my ass. I gasped and he slipped his tongue in my mouth.
'The sly bastard' I thought, smiling. I moaned slightly and began to move my tongue around his, pushing against his as he pushed back. Our war continued as I entangled my fingers in the back of his hair. Eventually, Jordan slipped his tongue back into his own mouth and pulled away. We both gasped for air. Jordan chuckled.
"You have no clue how long I have wanted to do that for." He breathed out. I giggled. He smiled down at me with his twinkling brown eyes.
"I love you so much boo..."
"I love you too baby... So much..."
"Forever and always?"
"Forever and always."
~~~~(you got in the car and left. It just didn't fit well in the story)
"Merry almost Christmas babe." Jordan said looking at me. I got out of the car with Jordan and looked up at the sign of the restraint that read (your favorite restaurant). I gasped.
"Jordan! You didn't!" Jordan smiled.
"Yep. I did." I smiled and wrapped my arms around him tightly.
"Thank you boo..." I mumbled into his chest.
"You're welcome babe." Jordan whispered, kissing the top of my head. I pushed away and smiled up at him.
'How did I get so lucky?' I thought, thinking about everything that had happened since I had met Jordan. He was the reason I was alive. The reason I had everything. The reason I had love. Jordan took my hand and led me into the restaurant.
We walked out of the restaurant, stomachs full of food.
"That was amazing boo! Thank you!"
"You're welcome hon..." He kissed my cheek. I could tell he was nervous since he was clearly shaking.
"You alright boo?" I asked looking at him concerned.
"Y-yeah... I'm fine..." He stuttered out.
"Okay. Just know that you can tell me whatever you want. I love you boo. Forever and always."
"I love you too babe. Forever and always." He opened my door and let me in. I was worried. Jordan had never acted like this before. Staring out the window, the worst thoughts of what had happened came to mind.
'Is he cheating on me? Does he not like me anymore? What if he wants to break up with me!' Jordan put his hand on my leg.
"You alright babe?" He asked looking at me concerned.
"Y-yeah... I'm fine..." I stuttered out.
"No you're not. I can tell. I've dated you for over six months. I know when you're not alright. You can tell me." He said, glancing at me with a smile. I sighed.
"It's nothing. I swear."
"Okay... Forever and always?" I smiled.
"Forever and always."
"Ummm... Boo?"
"Yeah babe?"
"Home is the other way..."
"I know."
"Then why-"
"Don't question." I shut my mouth and Jordan chuckled. "Just trust me."
"We're here." Jordan said, his voice shaky.
"Okay.. Well where is here?" He just smiled an got out of the car to open my door. Holding out his hand, he helped me out of the car.
"Okay. You're going to think I'm insane, but I'm going to cover your eyes. Do you trust me?"
"I will always trust you boo." Jordan smiled and covered my eyes, leading me away from the car.
"Ummm... Cover your eyes for a minute." He said, stopping. I moved my hands up to my eyes to make sure I didn't see anything. "Alright, open!" Jordan said. Moving my hands from my face, I saw the bright lights of LA shimmering below me. I looked in awe over the city. It was gorgeous. Looking to my left, I saw Jordan kneeling on the ground with a small velvet box in his hands. I gasped and my hands flew to my mouth, tears of joy running down my face.
"(Y/n)... I have only known you for a short time, but when I saw dying in the ally six months ago, I knew I loved you immediately." I giggled making Jordan chuckle. "What I'm saying is that I love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you. Forever and always. So (y/n)... Will you marry me?" I nodded, sticking out my left hand to Jordan. He smiled and slipped the ring onto my finger. The ring was delicate and simple, but gorgeous. It had a small diamond right in the center of a delicate silver band. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. Standing up, he wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me passionately. I wrapped my arms around his neck, smiling into the kiss. I felt Jordan's tongue on my bottom lip, asking for entry. Happily, I accepted his request and opened my mouth. Jordan's tongue slipped into my mouth and our tongues began to move as one. We finally pulled away for breath.
"Why don't we take this home..." I breathed out. Jordan smiled, leaning his forehead against mine.
"Alright... Forever and always?"
"Forever and always."
Jordan threw the door open, me in his arms with my legs wrapped around his waist. Our lips were linked in a passionate kiss. Jordan kicked the door shut and carried me over to the couch. He leaned down and placed me on the couch, never breaking contact. I moaned softly as he ran his hands down my sides. Suddenly, there was a crash from the door. Jordan pulled away quickly and whipped his head around. I couldn't see anything. Apparently Jordan is a better door than window. Jordan freezes in place. (Excuse any cussing from here on)
"Get the fuck away from her!" I heard a voice say. Jordan moved away obediently.
"What the hell is your pro-" I stopped.  There in the doorway was Marcus. And in his hands was a gun. I gulped.
"Yeah. You better be scared..." Marcus hissed. He then turned his head back to Jordan who was on the other side of the coffee table. "What the hell are you doing with her!" Marcus yelled. "That is my girl!" Jordan stiffened at that last sentence.
"Your girl?" Jordan snapped. "Excuse me, but that is my fiancé you're talking about!" Marcus snapped his head towards me. Marching over he grabbed my left arm and yanked it towards him. My arm popped, pain shooting though my entire arm. I yelped loudly. Marcus paid no mind to my yelps of pain as he tore the ring off my finger and threw it across the room. "What the hell is wrong with you!" Jordan screamed, stepping towards me. Marcus cocked the gun and pointed it at me, staring straight at Jordan.
"Don't move another inch or I will shoot her..." Marcus hissed. Silent tears ran down my face as I stared at Jordan with pleading eyes. Jordan stopped dead in his tracks. I wanted to run to him, but I was scared for my life. "Now... (Y/n)... You get to choose... Either you chose me and Jordan dies, or you chose Jordan and he dies... You get to chose..." I froze.
'I have to chose...' I didn't want to be with Marcus, and I sure as hell didn't want Jordan to die.
"Oh. And one other thing love." Marcus hissed. "He dies to your hands. Just keep that in mind." Marcus chuckled.
'So if I chose Jordan, I would have to shoot him... But if I chose Marcus, he would shoot him and I would be abused like I always had been...'
"(Y/n)! Get your ass down here!" Marcus yelled. I had barricaded myself in his room. No way was I facing him. I heard loud footsteps coming towards the door, then the door shaking. "Open the door you bitch!" I crawled into the corner, shaking with silent tears running down my face. The door stopped shaking. What happened to him. Did he give up? Suddenly the door flew open. "Did you think you could actually hide from me you bitch! Huh! Answer me when I am god damn talking to you!!!" He grabbed the collar of my shirt, lifting me up and shoving me against the wall.
"I-I d-d-didn't know..." I barely stuttered out.
"You didn't know." Marcus scoffed. "Did you know that tho was going to happen!" He yelled, punching me in the gut. I squeaked and crumpled to the ground. Marcus began kicking me in the gut. Over and over and over again... I wanted to end it all. End the pain. The suffering. The torture that this man had brought into my life. And I could never leave...
~(end flashback)~
"Are you going to chose? Or will I have to chose for you!" Marcus yelled at me. Jordan looked at me, worry in his eyes. He knew I was going through a lot in my mind. He always knew. I opened my mouth, but nothing came out. Marcus just stared at me.
"Hey. Give her some space!" Jordan said. Marcus whipped his head towards him.
"What did you just say..." Marcus said, walking towards Jordan.
"I chose Jordan!" I yelled, jumping off the couch and running to him. Jordan pulled me into a warm embrace as I sobbed into his chest.
"Get off of him you bitch!" Marcus yelled, pulling me away from him. He shoved the gun into my hand. "Okay. It was your choice. Now shoot!" I sobbed. "You only have one bullet so don't screw this shit up." Marcus spat. I held the gun to Jordan's chest.
"I'm sorry..." I whispered. Quickly, I turned the gun to my own chest and shot.

Love Written in Blood (captainsparklez x reader) {completed}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang