Chapter 24

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Belle found her house empty, strangely, she thought she was meant to be looking after Alfie, she guessed her parents had just taken him with them. Belle lead her up to her room stuck her iPod onto the docking station and plonked herself on her bed watching as Jenny timidly took the floor with a sigh, Belle could tell she wasn't just being over dramatic something was really bothering her. "What's up?" finally asked and Jenny sighed turning to Belle taking deep breaths

"I-I don't know what to do," She began flicking her blonde hair our of eyes

"Is it Joey?" Belle wondered in a soft voice to make Jenny feel better

"Joey? What? No," Jenny almost laughed then sighed again "Don't be mad,"

"Why would I be mad?" Does she like Leo or something?

Jenny closed her eyes tightly "Okay so the Friday night Jack and me were at school, just ringing up to get quotes for balloons and things and we had a moment,"

"A moment?" Belle raised an eyebrow raising

"Yeah, nothing else, I mean I'd never do that to you, you're my best friend and well I don't know I've just been liking him for a while, well since before he even split with Laura! But then you started going out and I just pushed them aside cause your my best friend B, and I'd never do something like that... but then with all the meetings and stuff I don't know we've just been getting really close and I just needed to tell you," she looked up at Belle her eyes watering like she was expecting a slap from her best friend but Belle just grinned diving off her bed to hug the girl

"This it brilliant!"

"What? Brilliant?" Jenny yelled as Belle laughed "What are you talking about B? I've just told you I like your boyfriend and you're happy?" Belle released the girl and grinned "Why are you smiling like that?"

"He's not my boyfriend!"

"What? Did you guys break up?" Jenny blinked "Was it my fault?"

"No Jen, we were never together in the first place," Jenny just blinked "Okay I'd better explain,"

Jenny crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow "I think you'd better,"

Belle thought for a minute "Okay, it all started at Halloween," Belle began, Jenny listened intently as she told her story making dramatic noises as she told her about getting with Leo, their holiday and the passed 5 months.

"Well... you've been holding back," Jenny blew air from her mouth shaking her head "I can't believe you didn't tell me, I'm so good at keeping secrets," Belle just raised an eyebrow "Okay, maybe I suck at it but you're still my best friend B, you should have told me," Belle smiled feeling like the whole world had been finally taken off of her shoulders "So who's better?" She winked

"What?" Belle blinked having no clue what she was talking about

"Jack or Leo?" Jenny gave a suggestive look

"Jen I haven't done anything with Jack," Belle laughed

"What? You've done all this and you haven't gotten anything out of it?" Belle just laughed "okay tell me everything about Leo, you two make such a sweet couple," Belle told her all the girly details and Jenny Awed and giggled with her. And finally said with a grin "I feel like I've got my best friend back."

"I was never gone," Belle smiled

Jenny just shrugged and they grinned at each other.

Belle: Hey sorry I haven't text or anything, ran into Jen got loads to tell you, will see you tomorrow xx

Leo: sounds interesting? xx

Belle: Already at school! Had to see Jack before school starts, see you in art :) xx

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