Chapter 9

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It turned out her first impression of 'they'll soon get bored' didn't turn out very well, the school seemed to be on fire with the gossip about the Nice Girl and the footballer/head of student council/all around lover boy of the school. Every Monday she'd arrive at school to be told new rumours from Jenny and the girls in her English class about her relationship. From her favourite: The moonlit walk around the towns park to the worse: That they had been dating while he went out with Laura, she put this rumour to bed straight away and reminded everyone that they got together at Jackson's Halloween Party. It was almost Christmas Break and they showed no signs of breaking up, Belle falling into a steady routine of playing the 'loving' girlfriend at school and hanging out with Leo nearly every day after school. The pair had grown so close Belle could tell his mood just from a flicker of his eyebrow or a scrunch of his nose, at school he always seemed quite quiet rather than when they were at home, Belle- ever oblivious- had no clue why but she always noticed the change from their car ride to school and their car ride home but he never let her dwell on it for long.   

The weather was getting colder and the first signs of snow were threatening to turn their small town into a winter wonderland only a few days until Christmas, the weather change took its toll on Belle she felt awful as she curled up on Leo's sofa shivering as she cuddled into her jumper. Leo's house was nearly complete, the kitchen painted and nearly all of the boxes unpacked. Leo sat on the soft rug watching TV leaning against the sofa Belle occupied. "Want a drink?" he wondered pausing the TV he finally looked to see Belle shivering "Are you alright?" he frowned concerned

"I'm just really cold," he looked to the crackling fire feeling boiling himself, he felt her pale forehead and winced.

"Jesus your on hot,"

"Thanks," she sneezed and groaned "do you have any headache tablets?"

He gave her a silly smile "My mum is a doctor of course we have tablets, one sec," he headed off quickly and Belle sniffed feeling worse and worse by the second. He came back with a medics kit he knelt beside her the kit on his lap as he looked through it seriously "Open up," she did as she was told and he popped a thermometer under her tongue.

"Aren't I just lucky I have you to look after me," Belle laughed and he frowned at her until she kept still. 

He removed the cold stick and frowned "You've got a fever," he turned to the tablets in the kit "This'll get rid of your headache, but this will help you bring your fever down... but this one says don't take with paracetamol so how are you going to get rid of your headache?" he mused over this

"Leo you're giving me a headache," she mumbled and he grinned fishing through more boxes

"Oh these will help both," he smiled "See what would you do without me?" he grinned "Oh I haven't got you a drink... one sec," Doctor Leo ran off again and Belle smiled still shivering

"Could you get me a coat or something?" she called after him, she normally hated people looking after her but it was nice Leo running around making her feel better, even if he looked like a headless chicken while doing so. Leo came back with his dark blue double blanket from his room tucked successfully under one arm with a tray of drinks and an icepack on the other, he chuckled as he tucked her in. Belle watched as he read through the instructions carefully, nodding softly.

"It'll make you sleepy," he warned

"I could just go home," Belle frowned softly not wanting to be a bother if she did a sleep.

"It's freezing outside it'll only make you worse," he sighed making sense of course but Belle couldn't help feeling a bother "Don't pull that cute little face just take the drugs and I'll text your mum and tell her you're poorly,"

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