Chapter 17

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"How am I going to stand seeing you with him everyday?" Leo asked as they looked up at the stars they had painted on his ceiling from the left over yellow paint from the kitchen, Leo laying his head on Belle's chest feeling her breathe underneath him making him believe this wasn't all some cruel dream and that truly if he had the energy to move he could reach up and kiss her lips and Belle would kiss him back.

"You're going to remember," Belle began in a low voice running her fingers through his soft locks "that whenever I kiss him really I'm kissing you," for added affect she kissed his hair and smiled softly "you're going to remember whenever I call him baby I hate the word and would still rather be calling it you," he looked up at her now to see her small cute smile that drove him crazy "and you're going to remember whenever I'm telling someone how much I like him, and he's the one for me that really I'm talking about you," she whispered the last bit as Leo recaptured her lips

"You're so sexy when you're being cute," he mumbled making her giggle slightly as he trailed kisses along her jaw "tell you parents your staying at Jenny's," he said suddenly, meeting her gaze again

She cocked her eyebrow "and why would I do that?" she sat up still holding his arms and sitting in his lap

"So you can stay here..." His light fingers trailed over her lips and jaw as she gave him an awkward look and he gave a cheeky smile "not like that... I mean well I don't want this to end," he felt like an idiot saying out loud but was instantly better when Belle gave him a heart breaking smile.

"I'll see what I can do," she grinned and kissed him softly

"I need to pee," he announced and Belle laughed

"Aw you're so romantic," Belle laughed sitting herself back on his bed as he went, Belle smiled stupidly as she took out her phone and dialled Jenny's number "Hey," she grinned

"Oh hey B, what's up?" Jenny didn't sound herself at all which made Belle frown,

"You... couldn't do me a favour, could you?" she felt awful for asking now, what if she said no?

"A favour?" Jenny was suddenly intrigued "What kind of favour?"

"Could you cover for me?" Belle smiled as Leo stood in the door way grinning "Just if my mum asks say I slept at yours tonight,"

There was a pause and she heard Jenny giggle slightly "are you at Jack's place?"

Belle smiled "Maybe..." that wasn't lying right?

Jenny cheered "Oh my gosh we have to go shopping on Sunday and you must tell me everything!" Jenny suddenly exploded and Belle laughed the day with her best friend sounded so good but she didn't fancy going through the gory details Belle didn't even know about, she could hardly lie about that.

"Sounds good Jen, I've got to go," Belle laughed as Leo started pulling funny faces to make her giggle.

"Ok, ok have fun," she sang and laughed as she ended the call. Leo shook his head and sat on bed next to her snaking his arms around her

"You are getting way to good at lying Iz,"

"That is a good thing, if it means that we can be here... together,"

Leo grinned "You do not know how good that sounds, come here," he whispered pulling her closer as she giggled like an idiot.  

Belle sat up bolt up right in Leo's bed looking around the pitch dark room. Lying next to her Leo tossed and turned in turmoil, Belle turned on his small lamp by his bed the set an orange glow on his pale sweating skin as tossed calling out into the empty room. "Leo," she whispered stroking his too warm face as he continued to call out "Leo," she said more forcefully now as she shook him awake. Leo gasped awake and sat up straight panting "it's okay," belle whispered as he fell into her embrace trying to calm his breathing.

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