Chapter 21

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Belle was in a daydream as she looked into her school locker remembering the day before she had once again woken up in Leo's arms contently, he had slept through the night again but was watching her as she woke up. They packed up all their stuff after breakfast and took one last look at the perfect cottage as Belle fitted the battery back into the car

"I'm going to miss it," Leo had said as he drove back down the dirt road, Belle just linked their fingers and kissed his hand with a smile. Belle sighed happily as she lent against her locker door she was only picking up her sketchpad before break but had gotten distracted again, her locker door was slammed. Belle jumped and saw Jenny looking like she could kill someone "you're coming with me,"

Shit... Jenny took hold of her hand and dragged her down the empty corridor, she knows, oh gosh she knows she's going to kill me. They came to a stop outside the corridor of offices to find their friends already waiting, Belle almost fell over when Jenny let go of her hand, she fell into Leo who steadied her quickly

"Have you heard?" Jenny asked the confused bunch of teens

"About Leo's girl?" Joey offered

Jenny shot him a look which soon shut him up

"Mr Gardner has cancelled the Spring Dance!"

Belle and the twins gasped, Jack frowned and Leo didn't seemed overly fussed about the news

"Why?" Belle frowned

"Lack of funding," she said in a high pitched voice and set off on a rant about how socialising helped teenagers develop

"But what are we going to do about it Jen?" Jack wondered

Jenny raised an eyebrow at him

"What are we going to do? What do you mean what are we going to do? Jack your the head of the school council you have power,"

"Not enough to change Gardner's mind Jen," he folded his arms

"Nothing will change his mind," Ricky shook his head

Jenny copied Jacks action with attitude "well he hasn't dealt with me yet,"

Belle blinked remembering where they were "you can't just barge into his office Jen,"

Jenny waved her off "I've already set up a meeting, come on," she lead them all into his plush office of their headmaster who looked up and raised his eyebrow, he was quite young for a headmaster in his mid-thirties but was too serious.

"Ah Jennifer, how can I help you?" He looked over the group, Jack, Belle and Jenny who sat on the comfy seats in from of him while the twins and Leo stood behind them wondering why they were here

"Well, sir," Jenny began in her politest 'I'm going to kill you voice' "we have been informed that you have cancelled the Spring Dance,"

Mr Gardner sighed "that is correct, there just isn't enough funding in the school for us to have it this year,"

"How much could a Dance be?" Belle tried to reason "I'm sure we could work something out?"

Gardner looked over the star pupil and almost smiled "over 10,000,"

The boys whistled

"We'll raise it," Jenny said decisively

"You will?" Mr Gardner asked looking mildly impressed

"We will?" The group of teens asked shocked

"Yes, we will!" Jenny looked from her friends to her headmaster "we'll raise the money and sort everything out,"

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