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This is a fantasy love story. I am going to be bringing back some of my characters from my first series but as very minor characters. This is Jacob Parks mstory. Join him as he trys to do everything to find out who murdered his dad Jebodiah Park four years ago. Along the way he will meet a handsome Private Investigator that seems to have super human, well everything. But Jacob isn't gay and when this guy starts using words like mate Jacob wants run or maybe fight.

After searching every parish from Orleans to Caddo and every city in between, Everett decides to pack up everything and move his base to Dallas in hopes of finding his mate. Four years after moving to Dallas, Everett is about to give up on ever finding his mate, but everything changes when his office door opens one day, and the future he had always hoped to find walks right in. Will his mate accept him? Or is Everett forever doomed to be alone?

Jacobs Truth #6Where stories live. Discover now