11. Confidence and Class Dreams

Start from the beginning

H: well c ya then

  I kept thinking about the conversation. What would've happened? Has Emily thought about it before? Has she ever had it before? WHOA.... Little to far there... But one small portion kept me up that night.

L: No Just as friends. Shes like a sister

H: Yeah, but brother and sisters dont have sex

L: We didnt have it!

H: Whatever. You are both in luv and cant realize it. After all, do just friends have sex?

L: Whatever We r just friends. thats all

I shook my head and snapped back to reality. I stopped in my tracks confused on where I was going then I remembered I was at school and going to Math. The tardy bell rang causing me to burst into a sprint. I opened the door and my teacher, Ms. Hardrick, stared me down.

"You. Are. Late Mr. Tomlinson."

"No shit sherlock." I mumbled causing the people around me to laugh.

"Would you like to say something Tomlinson?" She asked.

"No ma'am." I said and rushed to my seat.

"As I was saying, when you square side A by Side B you get the squared number of the hypoteneuos. What is this called?" She asked the most simplest questions.

"The Pygatheorum Theory."  I called out from my seat. She raised an eyebrow and looked at me funny.

"What? Did I grow a second head?" The class burst into giggles. She simply turned around and went back to teaching.

"Why was everyone looking at me?" I asked the girl sitting next to me whose name I never particularily talked to considering on my first day she made it pretty clear she didn't like me.

"Probably because you never answer questions. All you do is back and sass the teacher." She snapped. She was feisty. This was a girl I didn't want mess with.

"Whats your name?" I asked.

"Brittany. Now shut up and pay attention." She snapped. I rolled my eyes and leaned back in my chair. I closed my eyes.

Suddenly blue rhinos were floating by on cotton candy down a chocolate river. I slid down a slide made of mints and met Emily at the bottom. She was in a bikini and I was in swimtrunks. We ran and jumped into a pool of melted sherbert. Flamingos made of lollipops walked by and when I turned around I was in a church and then the doors opened. In walked a gorgeous girl who walked down the aisle. When I lifted the veil I saw Emily as beautiful as ever. We said our vows (A cat was our preist) and just when we were going to kiss, we fell into an endless milkshake.

Suddenly the bell rang waking me from my thoughts. I yawned and streched, Brittany walked by and sneered.

"You know you drool when you sleep." She walked away and I mocked her.

"You know you are a total bitch?" I said in a high girlie voice. I stood up and walked out of class.

I wandered my way over to Emily's science class.

"Ready?" I asked. She nodded.

"To learning about old and dead people!" I shouted. She giggled and we walked to History.


On the way there Emily was talking to me but I wasn't listening. The thing that was on my mind was the conversation with Harry and my dream. I didn't have feelings for Em. We are just really close friends. Besides if I had feelings for her I wouldve taken her on a date. But we almsot had sex. Drunk sex.

 Then in my dream we got married. Is this my mind trying to tell me something or was it just imagination?

"Hello? Louis? Are you even listening to me?" She asked teasingly.

"Do you ever have weird dreams?" I asked.

"Like Pandas chasing you through a jungle?" She asked.

I laughed and nodded.

"Yeah why?"

"I just had one in Math. It was.... strange. I was in a Candyland and then you were there and we got married." I laughed and she joined in.

"Well aren't you eager Tomlinson?" She teased. I shrugged.

"Lets just forget this. After all, I feel King George the 100th calling me." She teased. I laughed and we walked into History.

A/N; YEAH!! A LOOONG chapter. ITs for of like a filler but an interesting one is next. This was just to give you each others thoughts :) The thoughts give you a taste of the next chappy! VOTE PLEASE!!! XOXO- Rachel 

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