Jordan stepped out of the room. Ashton gave Jace one last smile as he stepped back, giving me a reassuring smile before shutting the door and leaving. I closed my eyes and pursed my lips as I waited for Jace to begin to yell. He didn't, so I just listened to the fading footsteps of Ashton's retreating body. Silence filled the room, leaving only the loud and thunderous beeping of the IV machine to echo around in my head as I waited to hear Jace's sweet voice. He didn't speak. I opened my eyes to find that jace was hovering over me, eyes closed, and a thoughtful expression painted onto his perfect face.

 "I thought I lost you." he breathed as he slowly opened his eyes and sat on the side of my bed, still hovering above me.


"Let me finish," he breathed, his blue eyes glazed over with tears. I nodded for him to continue. "I though I lost you," he paused. "And that made me think." I looked at his unharmed face. He had a few cuts here and there but other than that, he was fine. I knew he had a dislocated shoulder but that was it.

 "I have never felt so annoyed and stressed around a girl like you." I looked at him shocked but still tried to hide it. "You're stubborn, you're--you're like a human magnet that's always set on negative; and you hate any feeling other than your usual glumness." his ranting was kind of annoying me, an I let my jaw clench as I turned away from him. "You think you're always right and when you're wrong you don't admit it. And whenever I try to talk to you, you're like this sarcasm expert. Always sarcastic!" he yelled in frustration as he began pacing back and forth.

"Are you finished?" I interrupted as I turned away from him, feeling kind of hurt. Okay, I was hurt.

"And you do that!" his footsteps stopped. "You interrupt me!" I growled under my breath and turned back over to look at him. Now I was pissed..

 "Well if I annoy you so much you can just leave!" I screamed. "Just leave me alone!" But he didn't go. Instead he sat back down on my bed and sighed as he rubbed his hands over his face in frustration.

 "But there's this magic about you," he began. "I love that you're stubborn and pigheaded because that's who you are." I looked at him confused. Wasn't he just insulting me? "I love who you are. I love the way you pour yourself into your music; I love how you look out for your sister." he stopped as he hovered over me again. "I love that you care about others even if you don't show it; and how you're always so brave--"

 "I'm not brave," I interrupted. Maybe he is right, I do seem to interrupt him a lot.

 "You are brave, and I love that. Because," he paused as his blue eyes poured into mine, making a swarm of feelings surge through me as he brought his face closer to mine. "I love you." he breathed as he closed the distance between us; his lips landing on mine.

Fire spread throughout my body as I responded to the fiery kiss that sent my body into a frenzy. I tangled my hands in his hair, something I'd wanted to do for a while. He caressed my cheek as his other hand was tangled in my hair. We pulled apart due to the lack of oxygen. Jace places his forehead onto mine as he looked into my eyes again. "I love you too." I whispered, lighting a fire in his eyes as he moved closer and kissed me again.

When we pulled away, we laughed at each other because we both had the same dorky, lovestruck expression. His goofy grin matched my own and I knew, in that moment, that Jace was who I loved and who I had loved since the beginning.

After a while of just talking, we decide to put a movie on. We had told all the guys, and Annabelle, to go because Jace was spending the night. I just really wanted Annabelle and Chase to have some time alone. Annabelle didn't really tell me if she and Chase made up but my fingers were crossed.

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