Chapter 9. <3

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Adriana's POV: 

My yes fluttered open and i see Harry sitting beside my bed with tears filled his eyes, but he still looks sexy "Adriana! Can you hear me?" Was the first thing that i heard when i woke up.

I looked around and everything was white, the walls, Ceiling even the bed.. On the other side there were like 20 needles in my arm.. Dammit! Liam is going to ask me a lot of questions.

I turned over to see Harry "Harry? Please don't cry when you see my face.." and he began to laugh "That's not why i'm crying. I missed you Bab- Adriana" And he began to blush. He's so cute! "What happened? Why am i in the hospital?" I asked pretending like i don't know why i'm here, because i know it damn well. I fainted because i'm confused because of Harry and.. "You're fainted. Are you OK?" "Yeah i'm feeling great. I wanted to go home!" "I understand. shit! i didn't even tell the rest that you're awake yet.." And i started to laugh "Well go tell them!" "Yeah! That will be a great move" and he walked out of the room and i really wanted to say why i'm laying in this bed and with so much needles in my arm, but i just couldn't. Why i'm so happy to see him. I'm mad at him. Grr! I hate this shit!

Harry's POV: 

"Guuuuuuuys! Adriana is awake!!!!" I scream when i ran into the waiting room "WHAT!! SHE'S AWAKE?!" Liam screams when he jumped up "Yeaaah!" "That's amazing! I'll get a nurse. She's coming with us!" Liam says when he walks away. When we're home i'm going to talk to her.

Adriana's POV: 

I see a nurse walk into my room with.. Liam! "Liaaam!" I scream and he ran over to my bed to hug me and give me a kiss on the forehead "I was worried about you Ade.." "I'm sorry" "Why do you have so much needles?" And there are the questions.. Fuck! "Can Mrs. Payne and i talk for a minute sir?" The nurse asks Liam. And he leaves the room.

"I think that you know why you have so much needles, right?" She asks politely. "Uhm.. Yeah.." "Well tell me why do you put you're finger in your troath?" That's right people i have a eating disorder, or you can call it bulimia. I put my finger in my troath. "Well, i do that when i'm stressed, or when i feel alone or mad. I'm very insecure.." "I understand why you do it. But you don't have to do it, i did the same when i was you're age. I thought i was fat, and i was a cheerleader and all the girl were skinny and i wanted to fit in" "Really? But.." "You need to stop with it. You're a beautiful girl" "thank you. Do they pay you to for girl talk and advise?" i said with a smile "No. They have to do it hea?" she smiles back

*10 minutes later*  

"You can go home. You're ready to go home. You need to get the pills twice a day. And take it easy" She said "Thank you. I will" and i walk out of the room to the waiting room, and than she asks one other question "Oh Mrs. Payne!" I turned my head "Yeah?" "Can i get a photograph? I'm a fan" She asks me "Of course!" I smiled to her. I gived her the photograph and walked to Liam and the rest. "Adrianaaaa! Baby, i was so worried!" Nicki, Lilly and Cat yelled as they embraced me in an hug and give me kisses on the cheeks "Aww! I missed you girls!" i said to them as i hugged them. "Booooys!" "Adrianaaa! We missed you!" They said happy as i jumped on them to hug them.

Harry's POV:

We walk to the van "Adriana? We need to talk when we're home"  asked when we walked to the van  "OK!" She said with a smile."Uhm.. Adriana do you want to sit next-" I was cut off by Zayn and Cat. Harry you need to be more faster with your questions.. "Adriana! Come sit between us!" They said with a big smile "OK!" And she ran over to Zayn and cat and sit between them. "Harry what's wrong?" Lilly asked a little worried "Well i don't know if you know but i like Adriana a lot, she doesn't know it yet. And i wanted to ask her to sit next to me but i was cut off by Zayn and Cat and now she's sitting between them.." "Aww! Come here!" And she hugged me "Hey! She's mine!" Niall yelled to us. What.. Da.. Fuck.. "Niall, stop being jealous!" She said and kissed him on the cheek. God what will they be cute together!

*50 minutes later*  

We arrived at the house and i walked to Adriana's room to talk to her.. Don't be nervous don't be nervous don't be nervous! You're not going to freak you're not! i said to myself. I knocked "Adriana?" I just walk into her room, i searched for her. Not here. Bathroom.. I hear a shower *Knock Knock* "Come in" She said "Uhm.. Ade i'ts Harry.." "OK! Just sit on the toilet i'm in the shower you cannot see me!" "OK!!" I said happily and walked into the bathroom. I think i got my confident back. "Harry? Are you still alive?!" She yelled, oh that's right i'm in her bathroom, talk Harry talk! "Yeah! I'm sorry" "It doesn't matter. You wanted to talk?" "Well actually i just wanted to kiss you and shower with you but i'm to late" "Omg! Harry! You're such a perv" And she began laughing "Harry, we can talk later Ok?" "Ok! I'll see you at he bonfire" "Yess!" And i walk out of her room to the bonfire in the backyard. How in heel am i going to break the news to her?!

Adriana's POV: 

I have two things to say.

One Harry is a perv.

Two how in hell am i going to tell everyone the news, i'm going to do it at the bonfire  after i talked to Harry.

The long lost sister from Liam Payne (One Direction fanfic) *Completed*Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon