Author's Note and Sequel Info

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Okay, so first of all I want to clarify that Michael is, at this moment, still alive. He is barely alive, but his heart is still beating and his lungs are still taking in oxygen. He is not dead. Yet at least... Before any of you kill me (Tat) I'm going to tell you that this is in fact the end of words, but! And there is a but. There is a sequel! The sequel is titled Speechless and I'm already working on it. Tomorrow at around seven thirty I will be posting the first chapter. The layout will be similar to this story only instead of a quote each chapter will start off with a letter Luke wrote to Michael about that day. What this means is that I will be updating every day at around seven thirty at night to stimulate that we are all living through this day by day. Each of Luke's notes will be structured as followed; a word, the definition and then a brief summary of what happened that day. The chapter itself will then be the actual day and will follow along the same lines as the letter only in much more detail and it will perhaps include things Luke left out. I would appreciate it however if you all understood that I do have a life away from wattpad and have to juggle my grade ten courses along with my rep soccer sessions. I will try my absolute best to pump out an update a day as stated above, but if I for some reason can't get one out I would appreciate that there is no negative lash back. I am a person and I don't always love myself or who I am and my writing is a sort of escape for me. It means everything and I would love for you guys to not turn it into something negative for me. I really want to make each update good for you guys and it might be late because I simply didn't have time to edit it.  Speaking of editing, I don't always catch everything so if you guys do see something that needs to be fixed or doesn't make sense let me know, just don't be rude about it. If there is negative lash back because of a late update or an editing mistake then the entire story will most likely be put on hold until it is all finished so I can just post it all in one go. I do love every single one of you simply for clicking on this story and if you are even reading this than you're amazing. I really hope that you loved Words and continue to follow Michael and Luke's battle in Speechless. This has been an incredible journey for me and writing this book has helped me deal with a lot of things and I hope it's helped you as well if that was what you were looking for.


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