Twelve: Solar Eclipse

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"Shelby believed that love was like a solar eclipse - breathtakingly beautiful, absorbing and capable of rendering you blind. She had not necessarily gone out of her way to avoid a relationship, but she hadn't wanted one either. It was called falling in love for a reason - because inevitably, you crashed at the bottom,"

~Jodi Picoult

Michael was still crying and at this point Luke had joined in, but the later was laughing as well. He was laughing at the absurdity of it all. There they were in a car at the side of the road, both sobbing uncontrollably and confessing their love for each other. The broken, suicidal boy and the happy, optimistic boy. Two opposites.

Michael thought of the sun and the moon. Two lovers separated by time and space, but yet they never gave up. They chased each other for all of eternity and every so often the finally caught up and shared a moment together, and in that moment every person and creature on earth would stop for a moment just to watch. Just to observe the pure beauty of their love. And that was all they held onto. Just that one moment spaced so far apart, but for the sun and the moon. That one moment was enough. And for Michael and Luke. Any moment together was a moment to be cherished.

Michael was scared of love. Not because he was afraid it would not be returned, though that did terrify him. But because he knew he would end up hurt. And he knew that whoever had the misfortune to love him would end up hurt as well.

After they confessed their love there was no big kiss like in the movies. There was no happy ever after. There was silence. A warm comfortable silence. Michael was straddling Luke with his head on Luke's chest and Luke's arms were around Michael with his chin resting on the smaller boys head. They did not move, because in that moment the words spoken were all that was necessary. And the love they had for the other was radiating off of each of them. There was no denying what either boy had said. There was no contradicting the words that had been exchanged.

Michael loved Luke. Luke loved Michael.

And right then and right there, that was all that mattered.

It was Michael and Luke against the world right there in that old car. Michael was fighting a losing battle but Luke was right there and he kept picking up the broken pieces of Michael and putting him back together again. It was Luke and Michael and Luke knew he could never give up. Luke knew that no matter what happened he had to keep going for Michael. He knew that in the end things would work themselves out. In the end they would be okay.


Michael hummed softly in response.

"I really want to kiss you," Luke's lips ghosted some of the exposed skin on Michael's neck.

Michael lifted his head and his lips met Luke's before they began moving with each other in an odd dance of lips. The kiss was not lustful, but rather full of love. It was slow and sweet and Michael thought it was perfect. Then again he thought everything Luke did was perfect.

Michael's legs were on either side of Luke and his hands in Luke's hair. Tugging and bringing the blonde closer. Luke's hands were on Michael's back fisting his sweater and drawing small shapes all the while pressing the smaller boy impossibly closer.

They were two bodies intertwined as one. They were one. Michael would live for Luke and Luke would die for Michael. If it meant one sacrifice to save the other they would have both been gone a long time ago.

Luke was truly desperate to show Michael how much he loved him. He needed Michael to know he was loved. He needed it desperately because he knew. He knew Michael was struggling. He knew when Michael relapsed he could see it in the boy's movement's. But as long as Michael fought through it Luke was proud of him. He just wished there was something he could do. Anything he could do.

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