Eleven: Hope

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"Listen to the mustn'ts child. Listen to the don'ts. Listen to the shouldn't, the impossible, the won't. Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me... Anything can happen child. Anything can be,"

~Shel Silverstein

When Michael wakes up it's to a loud bang as Luke falls tryin to pull on his skinny jeans at quarter to seven in the morning.


"Sh*t. Sorry, Mikey. I didn't want to wake you. My mum wants you to stay home today. He exacts words were 'I'm locking him inside. He's not to so much as open a window till I get home,' so I wouldn't push her limits. She seemed pretty serious,"

Michael laughed.

"Go back to sleep, Mike,"

Michael shook his head. "I'm okay. I want to say goodbye,"

Luke sighed and finished pulling on his jeans. "Alright, love. I'll meet you downstairs,"

Michael smiled and made his way to the bathroom to brush his teeth. Once he finished he headed downstairs to see a tired Liz attempting to pour her coffee. Michael hurried over and moved the cup under where she was pouring before the burning hot liquid spilt over the counter and Liz.

"Morning, Michael," Liz chirped.

Michael smiled at her and she rubbed his arm with her hand.

"How are you?" She asked.

"I'm okay,"

Liz frowned, but she nodded and turned away from Michael when her toast popped up. Liz was going to work and Luke was going to school, which meant Michael was home alone.

The thought unsettled the boy because he knew all too well what sort of things happened when he was alone. Oh God did he know. Michael almost begged Liz to let him go to school, but something forced him to keep his mouth shut. He deserved what was coming. That's why he did it right? Because he deserved the pain.

"Mum! Did you make breakfast?" Luke called as he made his way down the stairs.

Liz's eyes widened as she looked at the coffee in her hands.


"It's not ready yet!" Michael responded jumping into action.

He opened the fridge and pulled out the eggs and milk asking Liz to grab him a bowl. Michael cracked three eggs into the bowl and whisked them with a fork adding in milk with no specified measurement. Liz clued in and grabbed a frying pan adding oil and turning the stove on for Michael.

"Thanks," He muttered pouring the egg and milk combination into the pan with a sizzle. Liz put down a piece of toast for both her and Luke and sighed smiling gratefully at Michael.

Luke waltzed gracefully into the kitchen as Liz buttered the toast and Michael scooped eggs onto two plates for the two of them.

"Thanks mum," Luke said as Liz handed him the plate.

"Well ac-"

"Are you sure I can't go to school?" Michael interrupted pretending as if that were the reason he was actually there.

Liz rose her eyebrows in question, but smirked at Michael's subtle wink.

"My word on the subject is final,"

Michael faked a disappointed sigh and seated himself next to Luke at the island.

"You not eating?" Luke asked.

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