How to get rid of Acne

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Acne is all around us and if you get it, trouble is most girls don't know how to get rid of it. I for 1 had Acne and still have a little bit on my face, but I'll tell you right now that you can't ignore it. I didn't realize it was bad until my Mom told me it was time for a change. She made me wash my face every morning and night but nothing really worked. The my mom said to use her acne stuff. After I used it, I saw better results right away! My face was less swollen and red and it was getting less and less zits. I've got to warn you though, always take your makeup off before you go to sleep. Same as put your hair up in a bun or something before you go to bed, if you have long hair that is. The oils from your hair will go to your pillow, and when the pillow touches your face, the oils get stuck in your pores which causes acne.

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