Is She a Friend or a Frienemy?

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Have people warned you that your friend is untrustworthy?
A)No,no one I can think of!
B)1 or 2 people have
You and your bud are crushing on the same guy. She:
A)Backs off.
B)Flirts with him more.
Are your parents a big fan of your friend?
A)For Sure
B)No, not quite
Be honest:Do you think she gossips too much?
When you guys get into a fight, is she quick to apologize?
B)Not really
Have you ever caught your friend lying to you?
A)No, Never
B)Ugh, Yes
You beat your best bud out for the lead role in the play. She:
A)Congratulates you.
B)Ignores you
Mostly B's
Yikes, she is a frenemy!
I hate to break this to you, but your bud needs a serious lesson to loyalty!Unfortunately, she hasn't proven herself to be the bestest friend, and you've even caught her in a lie or two. It's time to talk with her and ask her to change her ways. If she doesn't, be prepared to walk away!
Mostly A's
Woo, she's a friend!
Give yourself a pat on the back-you've chosen a great friend! Not only is she way more reliable and dependable, she always has your back. If there was even a nasty rumour about you, she'd be the first to squash it. It's no wonder you can trust her with all your most guarded secrets. She's here to stay!

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