What to were for the first day of School

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Honestly I pick two outfits for the very first day of school! I think a really warm outfit in case it rains or snows, and I will wire an outfit in cases like 28+!because for years I had only one outfit!and of course it's the wrong kind!!!

I'm going to give you a few tips and tricks about how to get our warm outfit and hot outfit out for the very first day of school!!!

Make sure you have some thick pants that are probably white and maybe even your best clothes.

have control over your jewelry. Make sure that your jewelry matches with your clothes.

have a cute sweater that matches with your shirt pants and jewelry make sure that your sweater has the style and make sure that you are comfortable with your sweater.

how cute shades that obviously match your shirt pants and jewelry if you have died hair try to match it up with your hair and shoes that are really pop out your outfit!

have a backpack that suits you! If your backpack doesn't have a special meaning to you then really need to get a new backpack!


Make sure that you have cute shorts for example ripped jeans shorts and make sure you follow your dress code for your school because that you could get really weird shorts that you definitely know you're not allowed to wear!

Have a shirt that really suits you and make sure that you have a crooked shirt because of the crooked shirt some of the shirt over your jean shorts and then a little other on top because it will look a lot better than it sounds!

have a matching hat!I suggest a hat that doesn't have that hole in the back of it unless you like this kind of had to make a put your ponytail through.

have enough jewelry to suit your needs by that I mean have a lot of bracelets really cute necklace that matches your shirt maybe a headband if you want and of course earrings and if you're that kind of person make-up.

top that off with sunglasses! Make sure that your sunglasses not sure jewelry and your dyed hair if it's not died and don't worry about the color just worry about it matching your jewelry!

Hope this helps because I put a lot of work into this one because it actually is representing my outfit if you couldn't guess and of course I quite love updating now I don't know why or maybe I do because of course I just have an app and I would play on it so much is so now I'm trying to get off of it a lot more so I can actually update my books and this is the very first one I locked up date because of course I'm giving advice to you guys I love giving advice so Ya!

XOXO love you bye!

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