How To Make a French Braid

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1.  Brush the hair to get rid of any tangles,  then separate a section of hair near the top of the head and divide it into three equal strands.

2.  Cross the left strand over the middle strand,  then do the same with the right strand, just like you would if you were doing a normal braid.

3.  Now pick up some hair from directly beneath the strand that is now on the left.  Add it to the left strand and cross this over the middle strand,  as in step two.  Repeat this with the right-hand strand.

4.  Repeat this process,  adding extra hair into each strand until all the loose hair has been added to the braid.  Secure the end with an elastic band.
French Braids look great,  but can be quite tricky to do on yourself,  so practice on a friend first.  You need shoulder-length hair for the best results.


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