Chapter 4

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I've blacked out once before. I'll never forget the feeling of such hopelessness. My lungs had felt like they were going to explode from lack of oxygen, yet I hadn't cared, since I had already given up. I didn't think anyone knew I was down there and I was slowly running out of oxygen. At some point I just stopped fighting to survive. I let my body become limp as I waited for death to come.

When I felt myself drifting away into unconsciousness I thought I was dead.

But I wasn't. Because the next thing I remember is waking up in my dad's arms with a throbbing headache. I remember his eyes were bloodshot and his cheeks were stained wet with tears. When I opened my eyes, Dad looked at me with so much love and relief in his eyes that I started crying too.

He grasped me in his arms and held me close.

"I thought you were dead." He whispered into my ear, clutching me closer to his chest. I shivered in my cold, damp clothes. My hair was filled with dirt and my teeth chattered. I couldn't form a reply. Instead, I looked around the room. It was dark, but I could hear the murmurs and cries of people around us.

A pit formed in my stomach as I realized there were two people missing.

"Where's Mom and Annabel?"

Dad hesitated.

"I don't know sweetheart. I've been trying to find them but no one knows what level they were on."

I looked at him with wide eyes.

"Well you have to find them!" I screamed at him. A sharp pain flared up in my head but I ignored it.

Dad gently clutched my shoulders and pushed me back so he could look at me. His eyes were filled with concern.

"Can you take care of yourself here if I go look for them?"

I nodded my head. He got up and planted a kiss on my forehead before walking to the exit.

I looked after him but the anxiety was too much to take. Instead I concentrated on drawing shapes on my thigh. 

Suddenly I heard a commotion and looked up.

My eyes have adjusted enough to the room so I recognized who it was. Luca. The kid who used to always tease me in grade school and call me vertically challenged.

"Somebody help me!" He was crying.

My dad calmly walked over and set his hands on Luca's shaking shoulders.

"Calm down. What's wrong?"

Luca hiccuped. "They're down there—my family—stuck, down there." His words came out between sobs.

"Don't worry we'll get them out." Dad looked around for volunteers.

"Is there anyone willing to go?" I saw people look around at each other and then look down. They knew as well as I did that if you went down there, odds were, you wouldn't ever come out.

No one spoke. There was the sound of scuffling shoes but nothing else.

Luca let out another sob. His big figure crumpled and he looked at the crowd with hurt and despair. No one was willing to to meet his eyes, but finally his gaze landed on my dad.

"Will you save them?"

I sat up rigid and stared at them. Surely my dad wouldn't risk his life for Luca's family.

Dad looked over at me and then back to Luca, his face torn.

"I'm sorry Luca but I'm not sure if my wife and daughter are safe. I need to check on them."

Luca's head shot up. "I saw them headed for another bunker. They're safe. "

The relief on Dad's face was visible from my seat ten yards away. He pressed his palms to his eyes and let out a shaky laugh.

I felt my lips slowly widen into a smile as a wave of relief washed over me. But as I looked at Luca's face and his pitiful eyes, a pit formed in the bottom of my stomach that I just couldn't shake.

"Thank you for telling me." After a pause he said, "I'll help you get your family back."

Suddenly my heart jumped to my throat. He couldn't be serious!

"Dad!" I called out, confused.

He turned around briefly, his eyes hardened and accepting of his new responsibility.

"Dad! Please don't leave me!" My voice cracked and I could feel my heart pounding in my chest.

Dad gave me a small smile but his determined eyes were unwavering. "Don't worry. I know the hallways better than most people in here. I'll get them out." Dad turned his back and strode toward the door.

"Dad!" I cried after him.

He turned around one last time. "I love you." He said as he closed the door behind him.

I took a step toward the door but faltered. He had left me. He had left me all alone in this bunker with a bunch of people I barely knew.

I slumped against the nearest wall. Letting out a shaky sigh, I slid down the wall until my legs were folded in front of me. I didn't want to think about what could happen to my dad down there. But I couldn't help it. I knew that at any second a ceiling could collapse and he'd be a goner. It didn't matter how well he knew his way around the halls.

I started drawing shapes on my leg again. A tree—just like the one my mom drew for me yesterday. Then a house with a little smoke coming out the chimney. I stared at my leg. It was blank and pale like it had always been. The tree and the house with a chimney were only the product of my imagination.


I looked around. I didn't see anyone calling out my name.

"Reagan." The voice was insistent but I still couldn't see anyone.

I feel a weight form on my chest.


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