Sequence I, Chapter 1: Weiss - Breakup

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"Let's just say I work in the dark to serve the light."

"YOU FUCKER." He snapped as he charged at you. You signalled to Connor that you were fine and he just nodded from his hood.

"THAT'S ENOUGH, NEPTUNE." You heard someone shout from behind you. You looked at the girl who was panting from shouting too much.

The boy stopped mid dash, his fist directly in front of your face, but you didn't flinch and he stared at Weiss.

"Tch, I'll remember you for this, you hooded freak." Neptune spat as he walked the other way. He walked for a bit and stopped.

"And Weiss. I never liked you. Never will. I just used you since you're a Schnee." He says as he continued walking.

You turned over to the still crying Weiss.

"I'm sorry about all of this. I best be going. You should, too." You say as you were about the climb the building when Weiss called out to you.

"Wait! Might I know your name, at least."

"I guess it couldn't hurt. It's Y/N." You say as you climbed the house, toward Connor. Weiss just stared at you, shocked that you climbed the house to the roofs, with no effort at all.

"Y/N, huh." She mutters as she walked off.

"I actually expected you to counter him, but you didn't even move. If that Weiss girl didn't interrupt, you would have been hit."

"Yeap. Well. Let's get going, shall we. We still have a whole lot to memorise." You say as you walked along the rooftops, mapping out everything. 

[Weiss's POV]

'That bastard only used me for my money.' I thought as a tear left my eye.

'Do not cry, Weiss. He's not worth your tears anymore. But I wonder, will I ever see my hooded hero, again?' I thought to myself and blushed.

'Am I really falling for someone I just met? I don't even know what he looks like.' 

"HEY WEISS, WAIT UP." I heard someone shout. It was from no doubt, Ruby as no one else had such an obnoxious voice. I turned around to see my teammates running toward me.

"Hey. We saw what happened back with Neptune." Yang said which made my heart hurt.

"Come on, Weiss. He USED you. Don't let him get to your head. He's not worth your emotions and your time anymore." Blake said, trying to comfort me.

"Also, who was the hooded guy?" Ruby asked. That question made me look up to the sky and smile.

"Honestly, I have no idea. He saved me from being almost getting beaten up by Neptune. Hell, Neptune even almost hit him and he didn't even flinch."

"Yeah, we saw everything. He seemed really cool~" Ruby chirped. Which made me feel jealous for some reason.

"Let's report what happened to Ozpin. Let that bastard be punished." Yang suggested and we nodded and walked toward Beacon.

It was ten minutes of pure torture as Ruby kept talking about Y/N until we finally reached Beacon.

"I wonder what he looks like without his hood."

I try to ignore the questions, but I keep feeling jealous. Like Ruby was going to steal Y/N away from me. No matter how hard I try to shake these feelings, I simply could not.

We walked for a bit and knocked on Professor Ozpin's office.

"Come in."

We opened the door and walked toward his table.

RWBY x Assassin!Male!Reader CrossoverTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang